The Funeral of Robert Barius

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Book 2 in the Gatekeeper's daughter series.  (book 1: The Gatekeeper's Daughter is posted here on wattpad and is now available in Kindle and Trade Paperback on Amazon)

Be sure to get the one by David (Dave) Randall

III The Funeral of Robert Barius

“And so passes the eldest heir of Attikus Barius.” Eldrick Wermil remarked quietly as the carriage carried an amply casket passed the mourning throngs of people who came out to tearfully recognize the passage of the casket that carried not only the memories of the loss of a national hero, but the passing of hope for many who knew the loss of Robert was a terrible blow to the peaceful unity of the Kingdom.

“And so enters in a new age and a new order.” Remarked Jarrod Barius as he stood emerged next to Eldrick, joining him on the private balcony that overlooked the center of the main street through Castle Argoss.

Together they looked to the crowds prostrate with real grief, seemingly unaware of the sense of loss.

“We'll soon have an end to foolishness.” Jarrod added with a smile that might almost have been big enough to see from the streets below, as he waved unnoticed to the masses.

“Yes it seems my cousin the King has gotten himself in very deep indeed.” Eldrick said smiling waiting for Jarrod to turn toward him. Sensing his anticipation, Jarrod turned to Eldrick and was immediately pleased, though he was not sure why just yet. Smiling as he spoke Jarrod asked. “What Uncle? What news?”

Eldrick happy to have the question resisted the urge to play cat and mouse with the facts by calmly stating what he had just learned from his own sources. “I have it at very good authority, that Hilden Maar is overrun.” Jarrod's eyes widened at this and would have spoken some excited approval if not cutoff by Eldrick's determined continuation. “It seems the enemy is inside the first wall as we speak. And that the second wall is being heavily pressed by all sides.” Jarrod again would have spoken, if not for the constant speech of Eldrick. “The second wall is being attacked by the siege engines of the outer wall that the enemy has taken over. And my dear cousin is likely in the Tiger's Eye which may have already been overrun and taken utterly. Either way my good Nephew it would appear that you may in fact already be King.”

Jarrod's speech would have certainly began at that moment if he indeed knew what to say first. But he was for the first time in as long as anyone would have been able to say, completely speechless. Seeing this Eldrick finished by saying: “We will make your case for ascension this very evening after the funeral of your dear departed cousin Robert of course.”

Jarrod smiled and was lost in the contemplation as Eldrick finished. “With a bit of work, and the customary bribery, you should be named King by tomorrow evening at the latest.” Eldrick turned back to the crowd, some of which had noticed the two royals by then, and waved with one hand slowly as if in grief as he said. “Given the urgency of the situation, a new King will have to be named with haste.”

“And that is when I will announce that I have a plan for peace and that I have sent an envoy to negotiate with the enemy.” Jarrod said remembering the plan verbatim.

“Yes, and that is when we shall have peace, and our benefactor shall have the power to not only ensure your rule, and help to eliminate opposition, but also to extend the power and reach of the empire.” Eldrick said with a fire in his eye.

“I will extinguish all hope of opposition to Argoss, and unlike my foolish Uncle, I will not tolerate the impudent self rule of Hilden Maar, or Wauxley, or Corssiba or Arianna. They will come under my rule and those who oppose it will be crushed once and for all.” Jarrod continued with rage in his eyes that smothered the smile on his face.

The two turned to the wind swept crowd as the funeral precession turned a corner toward the north gate of Castle Argoss. Outside the gate a mass crowd waited, and in turn took a knee and bowed their hats and scarves and heads as the empty casket of Robert Barius approached.

In a matter of minutes Eldrick's henchmen would begin to pass the word through the crowds of the imminent fall of Hilden Maar, the likely death of the King and Aramos Barius and the uncertainty of victory.

The rumors would be deliberately fueled with lies as to the destruction of General Bentor's army and the additional lie that the enemy was poised with a large fleet to invade Argoss and Kingsport to seal the defeat of the empire.

At the same time these lies were carefully spread to some of the nobles who made up the vast counsel that would meet following Robert's funeral. Many bribes and promises were also to be delivered. Each package of deception specifically suited to each counsel member to maximize the potential for success in Jarrod's attempt at succession to Attikus and thereby ascension to the throne as emperor of all of Argoss.

Eldrick knew there were some he could count on without lies, bribes or promises. Those he did not bother to cultivate. He knew also that some would be so fearful of disorder, that they would be persuaded by need of a King alone. He also knew that some would appose him bitterly. But because the counsel was an organization ruled by votes, he needed only a simple majority. This he felt strongly he could obtain under the circumstances.

No one would name Nar Barius as king, as he was still just a boy. And while Skyla might have had a bid as being named Queen, the counsel was made of mostly men who believed that in times of war, only a man could be trusted to bring about victory. This view was shared to some degree by most of the women counsel members who had been raised from birth to think the same way.

Attikus's wives had already been counted out of the running for various reasons, that in some way or another all had to do with the fact that they were not of the Barius line and their appointments would be more divisive that uniting. It had to be a Barius for political as well as superstitious reasons, to keep the empire together under one rule.

Eldrick knew this also, and had factored it heavily in his calculations. Skyla Barius was away on some fool's errand to see the Necromancer and would likely never return. This Eldrick would also use to convince the counsel of not only Jarrod's legitimacy, but of the folly of Attikus's failing rule.

Jarrod and Eldrick retired into the Castle Tower and to their scheming as the trumpets announcing Robert's casket to the commoners was heard to sound throughout the city below the Castle. The bells in the temples began to sound, as did the bells aboard the ships in the harbor and in the bay.

Messenger birds of all kinds carrying the news began to fly in every direction throughout the whole of Argoss and to every part of the empire. They would arrive on the same day as the news from Eldrick's followers did about the rumors and lies.

Eldrick and Jarrod meant for the news to hit the entire empire so quickly that the allies of Attikus would be powerless to contain and cope with its fallout.

This would be the day that the rule of Attikus would end.

In Darkness Deep (Book 2 in the Gatekeeper's Daughter Series)Where stories live. Discover now