Chapter 46 - "The Hindenburg was a blast, wasn't it?"

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Elliot felt her heart jump into her throat at the sight of Beck. Familiar laughter filled the air around her, in turn making her heart plummet to the floral patterned floor. Milo glanced back.

"Oh, that's right," he said. "Beck is here too."

Elliot barely heard him as she hurried over to the entering pair. Beck's gaze met hers and a smile spread across his lips and slipped into his blue eyes. Tristan looked between then with an expression that said they were all too much. As he passed Elliot, he spoke.

"Thank me by never calling me again," he said, then was gone.

Elliot stopped before Beck, her eyes wide.

"What are you doing here?" she said, the words coming out startled more than excited as she tried to handle her conflicting emotions.

Beck gave an amused chuckle.

"You know, of all the scenarios I played through my head of how this would happen, this actually wasn't at the top?" He smiled. "Though it was in there."

"I'm serious, what in the world are you doing here?"

She looked him up and down, fully taking in his outfit. It was a black button down paired with orange pants. She stared back at him.

"And why in all of the universe are you wearing orange pants?"

Beck placed his hands on her shoulders.

"El," he said. "Tell me now. Should I make a run for the exit?"

Elliot's eyes went wide.

"Why on earth would you leave? You just got here."

Beck just stared at her, his laughter hidden on the edges of his mouth.

"I don't know," he said. "I had this crazy thought that you weren't excited to see me."

"No, yeah, I am, it's just my family and the fact that you are wearing orange pants." She looked down at the pants then up at him. "Why are you wearing orange pants? If your answer is Tristan broke you out of prison to be here then you should know it probably wasn't worth it."

Beck's smile grew, his blue eyes brightening with amusement. "You say that but this conversation is proving you wrong."

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice quiet.

Beck took his hands off her shoulders and slid them into his pockets.

"I had this insane idea to take you up on your offer of being your plus one." His expression turned mischievous. "And I was mildly curious to meet this," he leaned in close, "family of yours." He pulled back and shrugged. "I figured this must be something to see."

"What? You have a morbid curiosity about watching disasters? The Hindenburg was a blast, wasn't it?"

"I don't know, the Titanic had more flare to it."

"I missed that one. Seats in the boats were impossible to secure ahead of time."

"Not if you knew the right people. I had one just off the starboard side."

Elliot smiled, the look instantly mirrored on Beck's face. Their moment didn't last as they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Elliot glanced around Beck and saw her mother walking into the dining room. Her expression was relaxed and when she looked at Elliot, she had a warm smile at the ready.

"Hello, sweetheart," she said, walking over to Elliot and hugging her. She pulled away and looked at Beck, unfazed by his presence. "Hello Beck, lovely to see you again."

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