Chaptet 38 - "I stole it from Ms. Newett."

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Elliot alighted from the T into the center of downtown Brookline. She turned away from the bustle and made her way down a tree lined street, a small paper bag and a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

Elliot stopped at the bottom of Beck's stairs, looking up at the front door. The flowers in the window boxes smiled at her in greeting, but the nervous ball of energy bouncing around her stomach kept her feet frozen to the ground.

After a few minutes of internal debate, she climbed the stairs and rang the doorbell. A silent moment passed where she panicked and was about to turn away when she heard the sound of footsteps.

The door opened and a girl in twenties with blonde hair smiled at Elliot.

"Hi," she said. "Can I help you?"

Elliot shifted.

"Yes, this is the Daniels' residence, right?"

The girl nodded, the smile growing.

"I am see Beck. That is if he is here and is okay seeing me. Which if he isn't, I understand. He isn't really expecting me at all."

The girl moved back and gestured for Elliot to come in. Elliot took a tentative step inside, staying with in reach of the door.

"I'll go get him," the girl said. "I'll also leave the door open in case you want to make a run for it."

Elliot let out a small laugh.

"It's not like I didn't have that thought twenty times in the last two minutes."

The girl left, chuckling slightly. Elliot did a small turn, looking over the entryway, trying to distract herself with the surroundings. The sound of footsteps halted her appraisal of the art and paint choice. She spun back around as Beck appeared from a doorway. A smile was edging its way onto his lips while his surprise and puzzlement stayed in his eyes.

"Hey, El," he said. "Everything alright?"

Elliot nodded vigorously until she realized how idiotic she looked and stopped.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to see how your mother was doing." She shifted, causing the bouquet's plastic to crinkle. She brought them forward. "And to give her these. I know you said it isn't anything serious, but who doesn't like flowers?"

Beck laughed, the sound easing some of her nervousness. He reached out and took the flowers.

"Thanks," he said. "She'll love these."

Elliot smiled, her tense shoulders relaxing. Beck looked down the hallway then back at Elliot, a hesitant look in his face.

"I would bring you say hi, but she isn't going to be up for that today. I'm sorry."

Elliot nodded again and took a step back.

"I totally get that. I just wanted to bring those by." She held up her hands, waving off his apologetic look. "It's not a problem."

Beck's gaze moved to the bag in her hand, making Elliot realize she had a second gift.

"Oh, this for her as well." She shifted as embarrassment raced through her, adding color to her already red cheeks. "It's a tea cup for her library. I loved all the things she had up there and figured she could always use more."

She held it out and Beck took it, his expression softened and an intense, concentrated look entered his blue eyes as he looked at her.

"That's really kind of you," he said, his tone full of warmth.

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