Chapter 3- The Past

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"You know, if you sit there too long, the sharks will attack," says a voice from behind us. We both jump, one of us makes a high screeching noise, and it wasn't me.

We both turn around, "Who was that?" I ask.

"I have no idea," Sam replies

"Looking for me?" calls a voice on the other end of the rocks. Sam and I turn our heads the other way.

"Where did it go?" I ask, "Wait, this isn't just the voice in my head again, right?"

"Right, I can hear it too," Sam says. We keep looking from one side of the rocks to the other, but we still don't see the voice.

"Wow, you two look like you're at a ping-pong game. You know, back and forth, back and forth," this time the voice is right behind us. All of a sudden Sam gets up and hits the person on the head.

"Whoa, chillax, dude."

 "Nick, what do you think you're doing?" Sam asks.

"Oh, I was just doing an experiment to see how two people who are in love would act if they were scared on a first date," he replies cheerfully.

"We aren't in love," I start.

"Or on a date," Sam finishes.

"Huh, already completing each other's sentences, cute," he says. He swims a little bit away then says, "Don't worry, I'll give you some privacy," then he makes kissing noises.

"Just ignore him," Sam says as he sits down, rolling his eyes.

 "Who was that?" I ask.

"Nick, don't you remember him?"

"No," I think for a bit, "should I?"

"Huh, I thought all girls remember their first kisses," Sam says.

"Um, what?" I stare at him incredulously.

"Oh, my goodness! You really don't remember!" he starts laughing. "That's the one thing you and Nick seem to like to forget."

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" I ask, getting annoyed.

"Ha-ha! Yeah, I love telling this story!" he said with a laugh, "Okay, here goes. Once upon a time," he says, taking on a narrative tone. "You and Nick were the best of friends. One day you and Nick were reading a fairy tale. You decided to role-play the fairy tale."

"Wait," I interrupt, "which fairy tale was it?"

"Does it matter?"


"Okay, if you want to hear the story, no interrupting, okay?" he tuned to me and looked like he was waiting for a response; I didn't give him one, since I was supposed to be quiet and all.

"Well?" I still didn't answer him.

"Emma! Oh," he said as he understood, "well, that's kind of awkward."

He looks embarrassed so I laugh. "Anyway one day you and Nick were in the woods reading a fairy tale when you guys decided to role-play it. You were the princess and he was the prince. You guys had me pretend to be the evil queen and I gave you an apple."

It was Snow White! Hah! I was about to tell Sam I had figured it out when I remembered that he told me not to interrupt him, so I didn't.

"You ate the apple and then fainted. Oh, man it was a terrible faint. You did one of those movie faints, it was hilarious!

"But don't worry, Nick caught you. When he caught you he looked at you with such loving eyes-"

"Did not!"

"I thought you weren't going to-oh, hi Nick, want to hear the rest?"


"Okay," Sam said with a shrug, "then he leaned down and-"

"Seriously, this never happened!"

"Stop interrupting!"

Their fighting is pretty entertaining but it's getting old. "Um, what happened next?" I ask timidly.

"Nick just doesn't want you to hear the end," Sam says with a very evil grin.

I turn to Nick, "Why don't you want me to hear the end?"

"Well..." he starts.

"Because he tries to k-" Sam says but is interrupted by Nick's hand.

"Kill you, yeah that's what I did," Nick says, almost to himself. At that moment Sam gets up and sits on top of Nick.

"He-tried-to-kiss-you-but-you-ran-away," Sam says in a rush. Oh, that's why Nick didn't want Sam to finish.

I start to laugh, Sam grins, Nick doesn't look so happy. "It's not funny!"

Sam and I keep laughing and Nick pouts, making me laugh harder.

It's getting dark out and we decide to go back to shore so that we can dry off and get home. By the time we get back to land Sam and I are still laughing.

"There you are!" I hear Natalie say. She and a bunch of people come toward us.

"Hey Nats," Sam greets.

"Oh, hey Sam, Nick," Natalie replies haltingly, "we're having a bonfire. You guys can come, if you want to."

"Cool, but I have to go check on Matt." Sam says looking apologetic. "But I'll see ya'll at the Prom on Friday, right?"

A chorus of rights follow his question.

"Cool," he says, then leaves. As he walks away a bunch of the girls swoon and sigh. Huh, he must be popular.

I go with Natalie and Nick to the bonfire. When we get there a bunch of kids are sitting around the fire looking bored.

"No Sam again?" asks some kid sitting in front of the fire, roasting a marshmallow.

Nat shakes her head, "I offered, but he said he had to go take care of Matt."

A chorus of 'Aws' follow her statement. What is up with these girls?

I found out that the tradition around here is to tell ghost stories. I get bored after a while so I lean against a tree and close my eyes.

"Emma! Emma! Help me!" a little girl screams.

"I'm coming," I say, but I know it's too late. She'll be gone before I can reach her.

"Emma!" she screeches again. She's crying, I can hear it, "Emma," she sobs.

I have to hurry. I try to run faster, but I can't. "Just hang on," I call back. "I'm almost there."

"Em-"she's cut short by a cracking sound. Evil laughter rings in the air.

I keep running through the trees. A sane person would run away from what they know is a murder, but who said I was sane?

I reach the clearing and see two figures standing there. It's too dark to tell if I know either one of them. One of the figures is leaning over something. The other is standing off to the side.

The person standing over the thing turns around. The moon hits them just right and I can see the bones glittering in the moonlight. I scream.


Hi! So what do you think of Nick? He's going to be my "fun" character so get ready for him to do some weird things! I hope you liked it!

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