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I make a b-line straight to the kitchen as I enter the house, filling up a tall glass of water and leaning against the island counter.

"Always on their phones these kids," My dad walks in the room laughing, motioning his palm towards me and criticising me for scrolling through Instagram whilst drinking my water. "I'll tell you, Jeff, these kids never look up from those bloody things!"

"Dad, what are you even on about mate, you're literally talking on the phone and judging me for being on my phone. Locate some logic please," I say lightly while smiling at him. Eventually, he manages to hang up and wanders over to me standing on the opposite side of the kitchen.

"What are you doing for dinner?"

"I don't know, just whatever you're having I guess." This is a very common occurrence, my father takes much pleasure in leaving all of the decisions up to me.

"Well I'm not all that hungry"

"You're never hungry." It is 100% true. He never wants dinner and when he does he all of the sudden decides not only is he hungry but he is famished and will devour an entire three-course meal, designed for three people.

"What?" Deaf.

"Don't worry."

"No, tell me."

"I just said you're never really hungry," I reply a little louder than the previous time.

"Yeah." He mumbles a short reply and begins to walk off, "What're you doing this weekend?"

"I don't know yet but I'll let you know, Probably just hanging out with Alex or someone. Are you going to be away again?"

"Yeah, golf with the boys."

"Okay cool, oh hey, that reminds me real quick. I have camp next week don't forget, so I won't be around for four days, Tuesday through to Friday."

I rinse my glass and place it on the rack to dry, collecting my things and heading to the office to make a start on my homework. This should be pretty enjoyable. As much as I don't want to be that kind of person, and I don't want to admit it, I could not focus. That was due to one thing.

Mr. Sprouse

He's been invading my thoughts ever since I met him and it hasn't even been a full day yet. This is absolutely pathetic. My mind is focussed now on anything other than school so in order to get back on track to a certain extent, I head over to my emails.

 My mind is focussed now on anything other than school so in order to get back on track to a certain extent, I head over to my emails

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Oh. Oh, no. Is this good? Is this what I want. He's fucking hot but going on the camp just brings me so many opportunities. I shoot through a message to Danielle telling her to check her emails.

Danielle —> Me


Danielle —> Me

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