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Vanessa POV
"He's shorter than I thought"
He stood in front of me, his face glowing with from the street light he was standing under. His eyes, bright, yet small. His beautiful features mashed together into a smoothie of pure, baby faced beauty. He was dressed in sweats, just like me.
My idol was standing right in front of me.
"Yo-yo-yoseob????" I stammered.
He looked tired. I couldn't blame him. My man is just a hard worker. I quickly ran my fingers through my hair to look a little nicer in front of him. I hoped he didn't notice my puffy red eyes from crying.
"Ah, hello. What are you doing so late in the middle of the night?" He said in broken English.
I paused before answering him.
"Um... just having a bad day." A horrible day, in fact.
Yoseob chuckled. "Ha... sorry to hear that. But that's not en excuse to be out so late. What's your name?"
I told him my name. Yoseob looked at me for a bit with an expression I couldn't read.
What he said next shocked me.

Yoseob POV
"Wanna come meet me and the rest of Beast?"
I wasn't sure why I said that. Manager-nim always tells us to be careful with fans. Clearly, Vanessa knew who I was from her face when she saw me.
"Well, okay!" She exclaimed.
We walked in silence. Vanessa seemed nervous. I didn't really care. I learned how to bond with fans are many years of experience. I began to make small talk with her, and she responded normally.
Then I asked."So do you wanna tell me why you have a bad day ?"
It felt like a mile that we walked before she responded.
"I broke up with a guy. I'm really sad"
We kept walking. We were silent until I opened the door back to the dressing room.

Vanessa POV
Everyone was so nice! Kikwang was amazing and funny and attractive as I thought he would be. Hyunseung was cool and a really nice guy. Junhyung was quiet and shy, but super great. I couldn't believe I was with my favorite Korean boy group ever. I was so submerged in happiness with the boys that I didn't even notice it was three o'clock in the morning.
" I need to get home!" I yelped.
Dongwoon looked at the clock. " Oh yea, we need to get to the hotel and rest.
I walked to the door of the room.
"I'll escort you out, Vanessa" Yoseob said.
He walked me to my car. Before I stepped in, I said," thank you so much. I had an amazing time. I won't ever forget this day."
Yoseob smiled. "I had a great time too, Vanessa. I hope you'll feel better."
He paused for a bit.
"Th-this is my number! Bye!" He mumbled, and scribbled digits on my arm with a pen.
Yoseob ran away.
My heart danced a little. My favorite superstar's cellphone number??
I fell on my bed. I was so tired. And happy. I couldn't even believe what had just happened. As I lay there longer, I also remembered what happened before that.
I began to cry and cry before falling asleep eventually.

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