The meaning of life

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Take a look around your world

Tell me what you see

Is everything small, big?

What happens is everything is the opposite

Could you find the meaning

What is true in life?

Can you still remember when it starts?

No? Well listen close

I will whisper the secrets of the world

Look again, but open your eyes

The meaning lies hidden underneath

Is it love? Hate? Strength?

Neigh! It is none!

For the true meaning of life can only be one thing

A thing that lies stronger than all

What could it be? You ask

Well just one more look and you will see

That the meaning of life is something quite simple

Look at me know! And I'll look at you

For we both hold- Neigh! Are the meaning of life!

Me you, and everyone else in the world indeed!

For we all are one in a unison!

Held together nice and tight

Because of our bond we know

That the meaning of life is us

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