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In the car

Tzuyu : unnie, how many person have you called?
Jihyo : only one person and its Mina
Tzuyu : i have called Eunwoo. But i havent called Mingyu yet
Jihyo : ok, then. Now let us go to the supermarket to buy all the stuff
Tzuyu : ok.

Arrived at the Super-Market

Jihyo : we'll buy stuffs and foods..
Tzuyu : let me buy the stuff unnie and you buy the foods
Jihyo : ok then,

Food Section

Jihyo : let me write the list of food in my phone's note..

Lists :
5 packs of Beef
3 packs of jokbal (pig's feet)
3 packs of spagethi noodles
3 packs of cream soup (seasoning)
10 beers
2 (big) bottles of orange juice

Jihyo : let me count how many people will come..
•Me (jihyo)

Jihyo : 9 peoples. I guess its enough for more than 10 peoples.

Jihyo : i forgot ramyun. Lets buy 5 packs of ramen.

Jihyo finish buying the food needed.
Tzuyu finish buying the stuff needed too.

Tzuyu bought :
• 3 packs of baloons (1 packs = 5 baloons)
• 2 flowers (rose) for the table decoration
• modern name light (name : family)
• new air freshener (buble gum)
• present for those who come ; to say thankyou for coming

Tzuyu : unnie, i have finished. Here is the list and the stuff. Can you please check if i miss something?
Jihyo : (check) no, its perfect.
Tzuyu : unnie, have you bought the dessert?
Jihyo : ahh.. i forgot. Should we buy it here?
Tzuyu : aniya. Just buy in my friend's cake store. Lets buy red velvet cake.
Jihyo : ok.. thanks for reminding me.


They have bought the cake and now, they headed to home

Tzuyu : at what time, should we start?
Jihyo : i told Mina at 8.00 o'clock
Tzuyu : ok. Gotta tell Mingyu and Eunwoo

Tzuyu call Eunwoo again

Eunwoo : ne tzuyu-ya?
Tzuyu : the party will start at 8.00 but its not a big party. Its only 10 people coming. No worry hehe
Eunwoo : ok, then. See you (END)

Tzuyu : unnie, i'll go upstaird first ok?
Jihyo : ne.

Tzuyu goes to her room

She wants to call Mingyu, but she is nervous..

Tzuyu : ah.. why cant i call him? You pabo! Should i ask jihyo unnie to call Mingyu? Ahh.. its because of that night!

Throwback that night

At shooting location

Mingyu : tzuyu-ya, do you have time tomorrow night?
Tzuyu : hm.. i think no. Why?
Mingyu : meet me at Hello Kitty cafe at 7.00 PM ok?
Tzuyu : for?
Mingyu : you'll know soon

A/n : btw, mingyu is also a model and both of them has been friend since elementary. And always been together. But at the age of 14, tzuyu move to China to study there. Actually just for 2 years. But when tzuyu is back, mingyu has gone. Yeah.. and now at the age of 17. They meet again

Tomorrow Night

Tzuyu arrived at the HelloKitty cafe right at 7.00 o'clock.

Tzuyu : should i call him?

Tzuyu call Mingyu

Tzuyu : eodiya? (Where r u?)
Mingyu : right behind you.

Then tzuyu face backward and saw mingyu with flower in his hand..

Tzuyu is shock to see mingyu, then

Mingyu : tzuyu-ya, i like you. Will you be my girlfriend?
Tzuyu : (couldnt answer) i..i..
Mingyu : do you still need time?
Tzuyu : i will answer when i see you again.
Mingyu : ok, but please promise me. Answer me when i meet you.
Tzuyu : ne.

And they ended up eating shyly (especially Tzuyu)

End of throwback

Tzuyu : ah! Its driving me crazy. Lets just ask unnie's help

Tzuyu go downstairs

Tzuyu : jihyo unnie,
Jihyo : hm?
Tzuyu : can you please help me call Mingyu?
Jihyo : why dont you call him by yourself?
Tzuyu : i have to decorate this house. Can you please help?
Jihyo : (laugh) whats with your face?
Tzuyu : hm? What? Nothing.. ok bye thanks unnie (go upstairs, still in the stairs)

Jihyo : (laugh) wait, you said you wanted to decorate?
Tzuyu : eoh.. ne, i.. i want to take my phone first. *go to her room*
Jihyo : (laugh) so funny
Jihyo call Mingyu

Jihyo : hello?
Mingyu : hello. who is this?
Jihyo : this is jihyo noona

(In this ff, mingyu is the same age as tzuyu and so mingyu is younger than jihyo)

Mingyu : oh.. hello noona. What happen?
Jihyo : today we have a small party. Aproximately 10 people. Hehe.. we wanted to invite you at 8.00 PM at our house
Mingyu : ohhh.. thats great. I will come. Thank u for inviting me
Jihyo : welcome😊 see you (END)

Jihyo : now, i forgot to call jungkook, taeyong and Sana

Jihyo : i should just invite them through group chat.

Group Chat

Jihyo invited Taeyong, Jungkook, Sana

Taeyong joined the group
Jungkook joined the group
Sana joined the group

Jihyo : hi guys! Today, i have a small party at our house at 8.00 O'clock (West Paradise 6 no. 19). Its only 9-10 people party. But we would like to invite you to come to our small family party. I hope you all can come and join our party😊

Ok hyo. I'll come

I will come😘 thanks for the invitation

I am gonna go with mina,hyo. Thankyou. Cant wait to meet your family☺


(5.00 PM)

Jihyo : now, i should cook the food
Jihyo cook the all the food with Tzuyu's help and they are also now done with the decoration.

(7.15 PM)

jihyo : i gotta take a bath now.
Tzuyu : me too.

Finally they are all prepared, at 7.45PM.. and now waiting for the guest to come.


Ting tong.. the first one to arrive is



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