
19 3 0

I wake up to my mother poking my arm gently.

"Mara, the Ashamila are moving our location in a few minutes. The Saintali are coming for us." Says my mother.

"Okay." I reply groggily as she is leaving.

This happens so often that I've wrote it down in my schedule.

I get up and go around my tent looking for things to pack.

Half of my things are in boxes from the last time we moved.

I pick up a picture of my mother and I smiling at the edge of lake Louise from when I was only 2.

She was hugging me and I was smiling a toothy, er, not so toothy (I had no teeth) grin.

My long dirty blonde hair was tied in a high ponytail with a shiny gloss to it, and my sea green eyes were staring deep into my mothers as I look up at her.

We were so happy then...

I put the picture back and grab my clothes, putting them into boxes.

I only have a couple of clothing items left.

When I was ten, the Saintalis attacked our camp so we had to move our settlement with none of our items.

I grabbed the picture of mother and I when the Saintalis attacked, and ran away with it.

When the elder Ashimali found out what I took, I was scolded because I could have died.

I grab the rest of my things and fold up my tent.

Once im done putting the tent away, I hear a scream.

I run towards the scream hoping the Saintali haven't found us, and when I see it is just my friend Cole throwing his girlfriend into the lake, I sigh with relief.

Even though I'm relieved, I'm still worried.

Cole is one of my best friends and Chloe (his girlfriend) is a jerk.

When we were 13 years old, Chloe scratched up my face because I got mud on her shoes.

A girl named Astrid came and shoved Chloe in a mud puddle, said oops and walked away.

Chloe ran away crying and Astrid gained major respect points from me.

I followed Astrid to the lake and we talked for hours about anything and everything.

We have been inseparable since and if something happened to her, I don't know what I would do...

I walk over to Astrid who is sitting at the base of a tree being zoned out.

"Astrid. Earth to Astrid." I say.

"I can hear you loud and clear Houston." She says and giggles.

"So your 17th birthday is coming up. Anyone to share it with?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

"No." She says rolling her eyes at me.

"What about you Mar?" She asks.

"No one..." I reply.

"Or at least not yet."


Saintali: Cyborg like people created to destroy the Ashimali

Ashimali: Clans of human survivors from the Apocalypse. The Sainitalis find them usless and wish to rid the world of them.

Art: The ASHIMALI REMOVAL SERVICE once the Sanitali are fully trained, the are sent to work for this unit.

Nadia: Home for the main group of Ashimali. They are the only ones capable of stopping the Saintalis.

Yitoni: Ashimali who have gone rouge.

Hope you liked this chapter about the Ashimali and Mara! Keep reading and like it up!


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