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It was year 9056.

No, there is no 'flying cars' or teleportation devices.

Actually, there's barely anything at all.

But I guess that's the outcome of biological war fare.


The worlds just a big waste land. Deserts cover most of it. But what isn't is forest and water, stocked with mutant creatures of all kinds that will be happy to tear you apart.

And its in one of those particular forests that our story begins.

Deep in the woods of what people use to call 'Alaska', stands a tall black tower. It towers (lol) over most of the trees, which is very impressive considering most are from the year 1800 and back.

Though this tower is not some old abandon building. Heck, its not even that old.

It's home to the Saintalis* project.

Back to the tower. Inside the top floor stood two men. The first was tall and lanky, second short and squat, other than that there was no way of telling them apart. Currently, the two men wee having an argument over the boy laying on the exam table.

"We need to proceed. The closer the Ashimali* get to the truth, the longer it will take the ART* to 'remove' them."

"Yes I know that. But would it not be to risky at the moment? How do we know the girl will even reach the Nadia* in time? What if she finds out that she-"

"Hush, Quentin. There is only so much we can do. But I promise you this boy will not disappoint."

"There is always the possibility the hard drive will back fire on him. We have seen it happen enough times..."

"I understand your concern Doctor, but as I said, General Alintine Is rallying up the rouge Yitoni* in order to attack. We must commence now."

The short man sighed in defeat as he moved towards the leaver. With a flick of his fat wrist, he ignited the system, releasing hundreds of volts of electricity into the young Saintali* laying on the table. The boy let out a ear splitting scream as he shook uncontrollably. Once the torture had ceased, he lay still.

"I told you this would not work! It is a crime to what you do to these children!"

The short man picked a gun off the wall and took aim. Just as he was about to pull the trigger there was a bright flash that sent the man out the window, and into the dark abyss of the night.

The other man smiled in delight. It had worked. Now for step two.

The man turned to the boy who was now standing up, left arm still pointing at the window.

"Good job, number O42. You have passed the first assignment. Now onto the second one."

With one flick of the mans wrist, a mirror emerged from the floor directly in front of the boy.

The boy looked at himself in the mirror. He was quite a sight to look at. He had a handsome face, straight nose, red hair, and steel grey eyes. Unfortunately, that was all ruined because of his left side.

Covering his left eye was a metal disk with retractable leans. Going from the back of his neck to the base of the spine was a metal rod designed to when commanded, cover the body in armor. Along his left arm was a brace which ended in a laser beam tractor in his palm.

The next test was disguise. The boy thought hard and soon, fake flesh inched its way across the metal. Hiding his true self. Hiding the cyborg he is.

"Good. Now, your name is Kaiden and you were separated from your Ashimali group. " The man said. Looking him in the eyes.

The Saintali boy; Kaiden nodded.

"Now for your final test." The man continued.

The man held up a picture of a young girl with sand coloured hair and sea green eyes.

"Destroy her."


Saintalis: Cyborg like people created to destroy the Ashimali

Ashimali: Clans of human survivors from the Apocalypse. The Sainitalis find them usless and wish to rid the world of them.

Art: The ASHIMALI REMOVAL SERVICE once the Sanitali are fully trained, the are sent to work for this unit.

Nadia: Home for the main group of Ashimila. They are the only ones capable of stopping the Saintalis.

Yitoni: Ashimalia who have gone rouge.

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