6|An Ending

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Friday, May 2, 2008

"Guys, Ron's on his way over here."

Hermione turned to see Ronald Weasley, making his way towards her and her friends while holding a glass of punch. Draco didn't want to leave, but Blaise was calling him and Pansy over to where a few other former Slytherins were seated around a table, and Hermione told him to go on.

"Hermione!" said Ron, grinning widely. He held out his arms for a hug, to which Hermione obliged. Ron held on for a bit too long, though, long enough to make Hermione uncomfortable. She pulled back as soon as he would let her, and grinned back at him, though it was a tiny bit forced. She still remembered her and Ron's three-day "relationship".

"So, Ron, who are you here with?" asked Hermione.

"Just Harry and his family."

"No girlfriend?" asked Ginny.

"Nope. I'm a free agent," said Ron, not sounding too disappointed about it.

"Voluntarily, or...?" asked Ginny.

"I've gone on a few dates, but none have really clicked with me. Hopefully, though, that'll change soon," Ron said, grinning at Hermione. She stared blankly at him. Did he really think that if he left ten years and then came back, Hermione would still be free for the taking? That she would still want to go out with him? That she had ever wanted to go out with him?

"Well, Ron, its great to see you again," said Hermione.

"It's awesome to see you, Hermione. You look absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you." Hermione didn't really like the way that Ron was looking at her.

"So, where do you work these days?" asked Ron, glancing over at Harry and smirking.

"I'm actually assistant to the Minister of Magic." The smirk on Ron's face faded.


"Yes, I've been in that position for about... three years now."

"Wow, Hermione, that's amazing!" said Harry.

"Yeah," said Ron, though he looked a little confused, and Harry couldn't help but feel a bit smug to see Ron proven wrong about Hermione. "Well, aside from that, I was hoping that we could have lunch some time this week, maybe even tomorrow," Ron said hopefully.

"Oh, sorry, Ron, but I can't. We're taking the kids to the beach, and we won't be--"

"Kids!" spluttered Ron. "What kids?"

"My kids," said Hermione evenly.

"You have kids?"

"Yes, Ronald, do try to keep up. As I was saying, my husband and I are taking our kids to the beach, and we won't be returning for over a week."

"Husband!" shouted Ron, loud enough to cause every head in the vicinity to swivel towards him.

"Oh, no," muttered George, upon seeing Ron yelling at Hermione.

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