4|To the Reunion

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Friday, May 2, 2008

There was a knock at the door, and Molly stood up from the breakfast table to answer it. Outside stood a sheepish-looking Ron.

"Can I come in?"

Molly seemed to think for a moment, before saying in a tone that was supposed to sound indifferent but couldn't altogether hide her relief, "I suppose."

Ron came in and took off his traveling cloak, hanging it by the fire mantle. He stood there for a minute, until Molly asked him if he had eaten anything. He said that he hadn't, and Molly ushered him to the table, where he grabbed a plate and began greedily piling on bacon and eggs.

"I know that last night you said that you'd see us at the reunion, mate," said Harry, "but I was almost worried that you had gone on home."

"Well," said Ron, swallowing his mouthful, "I still stand by what I said last night, about Ginny marrying Zabini, but I still want to be able to see my old friends and get to spend more time with the rest of the family than I did last night. Besides," he added in an undertone, "I still want to see about getting back with Hermione. Did you learn anything about her last night, when you decided to stay?" He said the last bit with a bit of accusation in his tone.

"First of all, don't look at me like that, it's your problem if you can't get past old rivalries, and I'm happy for both Ginny and Blaise. Second of all, no, I forgot to ask about Hermione. But, Ron, I really wouldn't get your hopes up about her. It's been a decade, she's more than likely got her own family by now."

Ron raised an eyebrow. "Old bookworm Hermione? You realize who you're talking about, right, Harry? I told you the other night, she's probably single and living in an flat near some library she works at."

Harry just shook his head, still baffled by how much Ron underestimated their old best friend, before giving him the same reply he had before, "Whatever, mate," and going back to his eggs. Neither Molly or Kandy had noticed their conversation, trying to clean up the small mess James and Mark had made when they were eating.


"Hermione, are you almost ready to go?" asked Draco from their bedroom. Hermione was in the adjoining bathroom, giving her subtle makeup a final touch up and scanning her reflection, searching for anything she might have missed. She made extra sure that her hair, which was usually bushy as ever, had been tamed by the vast amount of smoothing potion she had used. Grabbing her newest pair of diamond earrings off of the counter and putting them on, Hermione walked out the door and slid into her black heals.

She grabbed her matching clutch from the dresser and said, "Done." Draco looked up from where he had been fidgeting with his tie and smiled. He suck one hand in the air and motioned for her to twirl, which she did.

"Absolutely stunning," he said, walking over and giving her a quick kiss. "Let's grab the kids and my mother, and head out. It's almost six."

Hermione nodded and they left. Narcissa had offered to get the kids ready herself, and, knowing how much she loved doting over her children, Hermione obliged. Narcissa had always wanted more than one child, but after Draco was unable to have any more. She oftener asked to look after the kids for Draco and Hermione, and the younger witch tried to let Narcissa spend as much time with her grandchildren as possible.

Instead of removing all of the protection spells cast around Hogwarts so that people could Apparate straight in, the planning committee for the reunion had decided for people to first arrive in Hogsmeade and then take the thestral-pulled carriages up to the school. Since this was an event for all people and ages, childcare would be provided at the anniversary reunion, and children of all ages were encouraged to come.

Hermione and Draco stopped outside of the children's room. She could hear Narcissa trying to get Scorpius to be still long enough for her to fix his vest. After a couple of seconds of waiting, Hermione and Draco walked into the room.

"Well, don't you look handsome," said Hermione to Scorpius, who was fidgeting and trying to get out of his grandmother's grasp. Draco walked to the other side of the room, where Lyra was seated on Scorpius's bed, and picked her up.

"Hello, beautiful," he said, ticking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and kissing her forehead.

"That really is a lovely dress, Narcissa," said Hermione. "I've been saving it for the perfect occasion ever since you gave it to her for her second birthday.

"Yes, the jade mixed in with gray really does being out her eyes," Narcissa agreed. Draco looked between the two of them.

"You do realize that you're talking about a two-year-old, right?"

Ignoring him, Narcissa said, "I have to get going, people on the committee have to be there early, remember that the carriages will arrive at Hogsmeade to bring the guests up to the school at six-thirty."

"Will do," said Draco. "And, mother?" Narcissa turned her head from where she was standing at the doorway. "You do look very beautiful yourself, this evening." Narcissa smiled.

Hermione, as a guest of honor, had also been given the option to arrive at the reunion early, but had opted to stay with her family and friends and arrive with them.

Draco, Hermione, and the kids waited for almost half an hour before they decided that it was a good time to leave and headed downstairs. Once in the front room, Hermione grabbed hold of Scorpius, and the two adults Disapparated, bringing along the two children. They arrived in Hogsmeade, to see that a few carriages had already gone up to the school, and that there were people getting on new ones as they stood there.

"Oh, look," said Draco, "There's Blaise and Red." Hermione rolled her eyes at Draco's nickname for Ginny.

The three Zabinis had noticed the Malfoys and had begun to make their way towards them. When they got there, Ginny immediately let go of little Luna's hand to hug Hermione.

After a moment, Hermione pulled away, saying, "We missed you guys last night."

"Yeah, and you guys missed a spectacle," said Ginny.

"The youngest Weasley boy," continued Blaise, "wasn't too keen on Ginny decision to marry me."

Hermione sighed. "I can imagine."

"Yeah," said Ginny sadly. "Believe it or not, I have actually missed the git a couple of times since he left. But," she added, perking up, "It was great to see Harry again, he didn't mind Blaise at all, and I got to meet his new family. He's got a wife and, can you believe it, Hermione, two children, both boys."

"I want to see Harry, too," said Hermione. "So he really wasn't angry about you and Blaise?"

"No, just a bit surprised, I think, and in sure he'll be just as understanding of you and Draco."

"I don't know, he and Draco were arch rivals back in school," said Hermione.

"But we've grown up now," Draco reminded her. "I've gotten past old rivalries and prejudice, and, from the sound of it, he has, too. Now, I'm not saying that I'm about to become best friends with The Boy Who Just Couldn't Take A Hint And Die Already, but if it will make you happy, I will behave."

Hermione raised and eyebrow. "Really?" she asked.

"Really," he confirmed.

"We'd better hurry up and get a carriage," said Ginny.

"What about Theo and Pansy?" asked Blaise.

"They're heading this way right now," said Draco, nodding in the direction of the Three Broomsticks. Once Theo, Pansy, and Timothy arrived at their sides, the group walked to the line of carriages and all crowded together into one. Then, they were on their way up to the castle.

_______________________________ Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling.

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