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Darcy's P.O.V

"Do you have everything?" I ask Matt as he steps onto his front porch.

"I'm pretty sure." He says, then turns around and locks his front door.

"Ready to go?" His Dad calls from the car.

"Yeah one second!" Matt yells back. He then turns to face me and looks down to the ground. "I'm really going to miss you, Darcy."

"I know, Matt. But you get to experience something most people only dream of doing. You get to live your dream."

"I know but-" He was cut off by a horn honking, and we both look over to the car. His brother is laughing while getting smacked lightly by his mother in the car.

"Come on, we better get going." I say, laughing.

"Wait, you're coming?" Matt asks, catching up to me.

"To the airport yes, your Mom said she would drive me home after we dropped you guys off." He instantly smiles.

"Good." He grabs my hand and pulls me to the car at running pace. We climb into the backseat, Matt in the middle because he claimed he didn't want his, "Annoying brother to irritate me."

We drive down the highway in complete silence, no sounds with the exception of the radio playing at low volume. I take this as an opportunity to think about what I'm going to do without Matt at the wedding.

I look out the window, my chin resting in the palm of my hand. Matt's right hand finds it's way to my left knee and squeezes it a little. I look over to him, as does he at the same time to me. He gives me a small smile then faces forward to look out the windshield. I smile to myself and look back out the window; Matt's hand never leaving it's place.


"Darcy, Darcy wake up." Matt gently shakes me awake and I sit up rubbing my eyelids with my index finger.

"Are we here?" Matt nods and I open the car door to get out. He closes it behind him then goes to the trunk to grab his suitcase from his dad. When he gets it, he comes back over to me and grabs my hand. We walk in front of his parents, and brother, and Matt swings our hands widely, back and forth. When we get into the airport, we line up to weigh our bags and Matt pulls out his phone.

"Darcy, look here." I look up from my phone and notice Matt is taking a selfie with me. I quickly cover my eyes as he snaps a picture. "You little booger." He says and I laugh. My phone then dings and I look at it.


Mentioned by @TheMattEspinosa:
At the airport get ready to leave for Orlando @DarcyPoppinss http://Instagram.com/p/lyKPCSzV73/

"You little... My mentions are going to blow up." I say, scowling at him. He smirks in response.

"Oh well." He hums.


"Flight number 7 to Orlando, Florida now boarding. Flight number 7 to Orlando, Florida is now boarding."

I take my feet off of Matt's lap, while locking my phone and shoving it into my pocket.

"Alright, so you're sure you have everything?" I ask and Matt nods. "Phone charger," He nods. "headphones?" His eyes immediately go wide and his cheeks tint red.

"No..." He says, holding in a small laugh. I sigh and roll my eyes playfully. I take mine out of my back pocket and hand them to him.

"Don't lose them, they're my favourite pair, and if you forget them you better buy me new ones." He nods his head furiously.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of them." I smile, as does he.

"Alright, have fun. I'll call you if I have time before the ceremony on Sunday."

"Alright, I'll do my best to keep my phone on me." He smiles once again and wraps his arms around my shoulder. I wrap mine around his waist and he rests the bottom half of his face on my forehead.

"Matt honey, you guys better get going." His Mom says, coming up behind us and placing her hand on my back. Matt lifts his head off mine, and speaks.

"Okay, one second." His Mom nods and walks back over to his brother and father. He unwraps one arms from my shoulder, but keeps the other one in its place. "Okay, I'm going to call you everyday, and if you ever need me, just call. Okay?" I nod.

"Don't worry about me Matt, I'll be busy all week with the wedding."

"I know, but I just feel bad I can't be there."

"It's fine." I say. "Don't worry about it."

"Alright. Well, look beautiful as always, and have fun." I smile.

"Thanks, you too." He smiles before pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me for one final hug. He kisses my forehead and pulls back.

"Alright, we better get going." He says to his family and they all nod.

His brother and father, along with him, step forward and walk to the line to give the lady their tickets. I walk over to Matt's mom, and stand by her side. Matt hands the lady his ticket and she scans it, and he turns around to give me a small wave. I wave back and give him a small smile, and while his family joins him, they all turn and walk down the tunnel. As soon as we can't see them anymore, we turn around to walk away.

"Ready?" His mom asks and I nod.

"Yep." We walk back to the car and as soon as I close the passenger side door, I get a call. I don't look at who's calling before I press accept and bring the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"I miss you." The voice says, and I can immediately tell it's Matt.

"I miss you too, but you just got on the plane." I hear Matt's mom chuckle lightly beside me, and I look over to see her smiling.

"I know, but I still miss you."

"Good morning passengers, the plane to Orlando, Florida is about to take off. If you could turn all cellular devices off that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and enjoy your flight."

I hear from the background.

"That's your cue." I say and he laughs.

"I know, goodbye Darcy." He says, sighing the last part.

"It's only a weekend Matt. I'll see you on Monday."

"I know, but it's a long time to be away from your best friend."

"I know," I say. "but we'll see each other soon."

"Yeah... Alright I gotta go, but I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay, call me when you land."

"I will," he says. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Reminiscing | Matthew Espinosa // hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now