The Haunted Divide

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Calypso's POV

Luminous petals of silver freckled the night sky as I walked home from work. It had been a very long day. As a waitress I didn't get paid that much but it paid the bills. I had taken a full day shift and I definitely regretted it. I unlocked the door to my house and set my purse down of the side table. I slid off my jacket while I slammed the door with my foot hopping for balance. After the long day's work I was ready for a relaxing night alone. I flopped onto the couch and got comfy. As sleep overcame me, my eyes closed so I reached to turn off the light. As I reached for the switch, another hand was already there. My eyes bolted open and I slid off of the bed and hit the floor.

A hideous creature was standing by the light causing a shadow to cast across it's face. It's hair was dripping wet, skin hanging off it's face while insects crawled in and out of its wounds. It turned to me with deep black eyes. The foul stench of death and rotting flesh filled the air.

"He's coming...He's going to find you...He'll be here soon...He's coming." It hissed, it's voice changing in tones.

I began to scurry back, my hand sliding in a wet substance causing me to loose my balance and I started to fall back. My head slammed into the corner of my dresser causing me to go unconscious. The last thing I thought of before I blacked out was the creatures warning.

I woke up and opened my eyes cautiously. A pounding pain throbbed in the back of my head. As I sat up and I realised that I was in my bed. Millions of questions filled my mind. How did I get up here? Where did that creature go? I glanced around. Nothing had been moved or played with. It was as if nothing had even happened. Was it it all a imagination or had it really happened?

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