Unfortunate Oblivion

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Creature/Servant's POV

My master was a cruel being. Physically, I didn't know what the creature was. All I knew is that it made me the monster I feared as a young child. I have been serving this devil for so many centuries that I have lost count. I have been sent on many treacherous journeys to find and bring my master a creature called "Calypso". He is afraid of this girl because of the power she beholds. As far as anyone knows, she is the only one that can bring an end to his reign. I have purposefully delayed bringing the girl in to save everyone. When I actually did happen upon her, she was just a baby. I sat idly by as I watched her grow up to become a strong young woman. As I watched her, I noticed that I had grown close to her as if she were apart of my own family. I could never let my master get ahold of her, I would rather die than to see him destroy her.

I went and tried to warn her about his plan, but I do not think she truly understood the repercussion if she didn't listen to me. Once he captured her, she would be banished to a different part of my master's so called Hell. From what I've heard, it was an open field where lost souls would roam about. Hours could seem like years as she would have to endure the same pain and torture by the demons that toiled on the grounds. When she actually heard the news, her face drained white and she shuffled away from me. It seems as though my warning would completely be ignored as she shuffled away from me. I understood her fear. Who would like to hear anything from a hideous monster like me? I am the reason the boogeyman hides at night. I am the apex of all monsters, even death is scared of me. The real question is: How I am supposed to gain the trust of someone who cannot even dare to look at me? Even if it means saving the lives of thousands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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