Grubble~"I will always protect you"

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*Shelby and Graser are together. Gizzy is flirting with Shelby an somethin bad happens. Laim, Will, and graser are at Shelby's and Gizzy's place.*

*Shelby's POV*

We are all on the floor just talking and eating having fun. Well everyone else was. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with these guys and I was having fun until gizzy started to flirt with me. When he started I thought something bad was going to happen because graser gets really jelous sometimes but nothing happened.

*Graser's POV*

I'm getting really pissed off, Gizzy keeps flirting with Shelby. NO ONE FLIRTS WITH MY GIRL! But I wont do nothing because I don want to make a scene and make Shelby upset. "Shelby can I talk to you in private." Gizzy asks Shelby, Why does he need to talk to her in private. "Ummm....sure.." Shelby says uneased. They go into Gizzy's room and 5 mins. later we hear a crash and a squeak. Me, Will, and Laim look at each other worried and run into Gizzy's room to see what happened. We g in there and see Shelby cut up surrounded in glass and she is wear a glass table was. "OMG Shelby what happen!" Will asks running over to Shelby worried. I just stand there is shock. All of a sudden all I see is red. I run at Grizzy and punched him he hit me back. I started to bet the shit out of him until H pulls me away from him. "You out NOW!" H yells at gizzy. Gizzy leaves and I walk out to the kitchen grab Shelby's hand and walk to he bathroom. I close and lock the door and left Shelby up for her to sit on the counter and clean her cuts. "Thank you Graser." Shelby say. "It was nothing I will always protect you. I love you." I say. "I lov you too." AND then we kiss.

Hope y'all like it ~Squishy

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