5. Liam

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AN: Thank you Munii for your comments on my story. I hope other people comment or vote on my story (if you like it). and if you don't like it, tell me why :)

That's it for now. Hope you enjoy this (Liam) chapter. 


“Tom, leave me the fuck alone!” I hiss at my little brother. I know that you might think I have anger issues, but really I don’t. People are just in my way, that’s all. Just like my brother Thomas. Why does he always have to bother me at the most awful times?

Thomas ignores my needs as he jumps on my bed. “Nooo,” he whines. “We play!”

“MUM!” I scream from my bedroom. “How can I stop him?”

“Louis, stop! He is not an object that you can command,” she yells from the bathroom.

“I know that! I wasn’t doing that! AHHH!” I scream frustrated. “I just want him to leave me alone, I want to sleep.”

“You can’t expect him to understand that, he just wants to play,” my mother says as she walks inside my room.

I sigh deeply. “I know, but it’s just freaking annoying.” He always has to wake me up in the early mornings with his exciting little voice. I hate early mornings. So technically he is the problem for my temper, because I can’t have a normal night of sleep.

“Lou?” Thomas begs as he shows his superman doll at me. “Play?”

“Why don’t you play with him?” my mother suggests. “It’s not like you have to get up for school or anything.”

“Okay fine,” I groan.

Thomas jumps excitedly and somehow I feel a small smile appear on my face. My little brother can be a little piece of shit, but all he wants is to play with me. He wants to spend time with me. And just like my mother said so casually a minute ago; it’s not like I have to go to school or anything.

This is my second week of suspension. I have 6 more days to go before I have to go to school again. Six more days before I have to work with Zayn on our assignment. I don’t want to admit it, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Most of the time I fucking hate it and I think about ways to get out of it, but there is also a very small part of me that is actually looking forward to it. I’m definitely not going to tell anyone about that little part of me that seems a bit excited. I’ve discussed it with myself and have come to the conclusion that I’m only slightly thrilled about it because I like to fight and get furious. I like to argue and Zayn is the perfect candidate to lash out to and yell at him. Besides, he probably feels the same way. So in a weird was this is a win-win situation.


As it turns out, Liam has stopped his study Economics. He didn’t like it and he just didn’t feel like it was the right path for him. Or so I’ve heard from Harry.

Liam is a regular guest at the sport club and they offered him a job. Lucky bastard! He will start next week. So that leaves Liam a week at home. Just like me.

I’m on my way to his house. I asked him if I could come over and he happily agreed. It will be weird, because in all those years that we have been friends I’ve never been along with him. He is the only one in the group that I haven’t hung out with by myself; we were always with the group. I really don’t know what to expect. We shall see….

I take a deep breath before I ring his doorbell. Liam opens the door almost immediately.

“Hey Lou,” he smiles.


I follow Liam inside to the living room. I’ve been at his house before, but normally his family and our other friends are here as well. Now, everyone is at school or at work. It’s so quiet and it feels kind of awkward.
I sit down on the couch and I look around me. After looking at random stuff like a wooden table and a vintage lamp my eyes drift off to Liam.

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