Chapter 4

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"Bye Gin. Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer." Harry said as Albus James and Lily walked out the door to Ginny.
"Thanks Harry and good luck with your new neighbour." Ginny joked happily
Harry chucked and said "Thanks bye gin bye kiddos." Harry shut the door. Draco came in the door and waved at Henry and said "hey Henry can you tell me anything about Harry who lives across from me?"
"Oh erm he doesn't really have visitors that often just his kids. His dog is called tom. Oh yeah and he and his wife got a divorce because he's gay." Henry said and then muttered "wish I had such a good relationship with my ex wife." With that last sentence Draco dropped his keys and while picking them up he said "thanks for the info Henry"
Draco was about to open his door but he turned and knocked on Harry's instead. He chucked at how much time he was saving doing this. Harry opened the door and said "hey what's up Draco?"
"So um Harry I've kind of had a small crush on you since seventh year and I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me tonight and I get it if you say no don't worry I won't be offended I was turned down by pansy and Millicent in fourth year and am rejected by pretty much everyone for being an ex death eater?" Draco asked staring at his feet.
"Not everyone Draco. I'll meet you out here at six ok?" Harry asked
"Yeah sure ok." Draco replied. Harry kissed him on the cheek and went back inside closing the door behind him. Draco stood still for a moment touching where Harry kissed him on the cheek.

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