Preparations for the Next MV

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Me, Mi Ho-unni, and Minho-sunbae started to prepare for "We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2". The three of us met in one of the private rooms of Big Hit. I said, "So, everyone loved No More Dream. I even saw school kids wearing black jerseys on the street."

Mi Ho-unni smiled, "Who knew the boys would be bringing in trends?"

Minho-sunbae took a sip of his coffee, then said, "But now we have until next month to take care of the next MV."

I chuckled, "As business-oriented as ever, I see. Ok, this song is still part of the first album, so I don't believe we need to make any drastic changes."

"I agree. We're talking about a group under the age of 30 trying to make it into the world of music and they have one foot in the door." Mi Ho-unni replied.

Minho-sunbae nodded, "Maybe we can refresh their hair and use the other costumes we used in the photo shoot."

I looked at him, "You mean the black and gold clothing?"

Mi Ho-unni looked excited, "And the football uniforms! That's perfect!"

I laughed, "But what about the setting of the video? We don't necessarily have the funds for a lavish location."

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "We could always use a monochromatic room."

Then we heard a knock on the door. I asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Jungkook. We need your help, Mi Ho-noona." Jungkook said on the other side on the door.

I chuckled, then Mi Ho-unni opened the door, "What's happening?"

"Well, it seems Taehyung-hyung tore his pants." Jungkook explained, looking down.

"Where?" Mi Ho-unni asked.

"In the inner thigh." Jungkook told her.

Mi Ho-unni laughed, then said, "Tell him to hide in the dressing room for a bit. I'll sew them back."

She left with Jongkook and me and Minho-sunbae were left in the room together. I sighed, "All this is happening before my birthday."

"When is it?" Minho-sunbae asked.

"July 4." I answered.

He laughed, "I'm working with a summer baby."

I looked at him, "When is your birthday?"

"September 8, 1988." He responded.

I laughed, "You're the same age as my oppa."

Minho-sunbae straightened up his posture, "What does he do?"

"He's an art teacher in Daegu. Primary school." I answered.

Mi Ho-unni walked back in, "No need for alarm. It was a small tear, but he was making such a big deal of it."

I laughed, "You have to remember he's still young. There's a lot of things he'll take more seriously than we would."

We continued to discuss the music video concept until my stomach growled. Mi Ho-unni laughed, "Well, anyone up for lunch?"

Minho-sunbae smiled, "I am. What are you two up for?"

Mi Ho-unni declared, "Sushi!"

I chuckled, "Who's paying for sushi?"

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