Desert reflections and Desert Prayers

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Paco had second watch. After all Blas was still too young to be strong enough to stay awake until dawn. It had been a week since Paco had lead his friends and familia into the desert to avoid Villa's on coming band of freedom fighters and cut throats.

Paco Believed in the revoluion, but yet he admired Emiliano  Zapata more than Villa. Paco felt that Villa's tactics and his men were too harsh.

As Paco sat beside the smoldering embers of the campfire he thought of how much he needed to remain alive during a time of death and sorrow. All he wanted to do was see Blas get old enough to survive. It was nice that Blas was skilled with the concept of measuring, cutting and lastly building. Now all that was left is to teach Blas how to be a strong man. He Felt that Pastor John would be key into shaping his nephew into being a better man in this world. Paco himself gave his life to Jesus, but making sense of a Christian walk needed more learning than just words muttered. Paco understood Jesus had twelve disciples. Twelve ignorant men turned into twelve God loving men. When Paco read the Gospels he realized it took three years of teaching of Jesus' continuously being there for his disciples. When paco found out that a disciple is one to be taught and disciplined by a teacher Paco so asked if Jesus could come down and make him a disciple.

Pastor John told him, "Jesus does not really work that way, instead he gave me the power to make disciples of the four corners of the Earth in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Paco then told Pastor John, "I ask to be your student."

"Meaning you want to be my disciple?" the pastor asked as he smiled.

"Well yes, but I will follow you because you follow Jesus." Paco replied

"I will tell you what.... I cannot make you go to heaven in Jesus name, however you made that choice. What I can do is teach you what God taught me. I will adopt you as a student Paco."

Paco reminisced as he  watched the desert sky as the shooting stars went from east to west in an amazing race accross the sky.

Then Paco prayed as the sun rose.

"Heavenly Father I thank you for my life, and reunitung me with my nephew. I thank you for the experiences you gave me in this world. I thank you for your love Lord. I can't help but thanking you for allowing me to see another sunrise. 

But God I want you to be there for someone who is in need at the moment. Be there for my father in Christ and Pastor John Aldridge. I ask that Mexico looks at his collar and not his color. I ask that he walk in grace as the guerilla soldiers are in town.

God give me strength to protect the ladies of the Aldridge family and Blas. 

God I am new at prayers but Pastor John said you listen to all of your Children, so please here my prayer in the name of your son Jesus Christ.


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