Chapter 13: ANASTASIA

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Dinner that night consisted of hot chocolate, meat pies, wild rice casserole, and fried ice cream. Natasha, Irena, and Amber sat with Ana. Ana noticed the same girl in the red dress sitting alone just as she had been yesterday.

"Madi, why don't you sit with us?" she called across the table. Ana had often felt lonely at her mansion and knew how it felt to sit alone.

"I would, but I can't sit a Raven's Eye table."

"No problem." She picked up her glass, plate, and silverware and moved to one of the sparkling white tables. Ana's roomates followed her as well as Madi.

Madi talked about the school and their dorms, but Ana made sure nothing about birds came up. She was being exteremly cautious about this and wanted nobody to find out.

"Wow, this school is so, so amazing! I mean it's a nice break from my depressed mother, but I just hope she doesn't kill herself while I'm gone. Oh! I'm so sorry! That's nothing that you need to be concerned about." she said quickly, her face turning the color of her dress.

"No, tell me. Unless, it will be too emotional for you. It just seems like you want to talk."

Madi told her a heart wrenching story about her brothers and dad.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I am an only child and I'm not close to either of my parents, I wouldn't know how that feels," Ana said.

"I'm sorry I dumped that on you all. I should go!" Madi stood up to leave.

"No! Stay and finsh your dinner," Ana called. She turned around just when the birds came to take their plates, "or not."

She giggled and sat back down to talk. When the meal was finished the four girls went down the corridor to their dorms. When Madi was about to part with them to go to the Robin's Eggs dorm, a boy stepped right in their path.

"Anastasia, I was wondering if I may have a word with you. Alone?" asked Denei.

"No, you may not!" she answered walking in the opposite direction.

"Please," he pleaded. He took three steps that brought him even closer to her then before.

"Fine, but make it quick." Ana walked over to the corner with Denei and leaned against the wall. "What do you want?" she asked, being the complete opposite of polite.

"I know I have been a jerk, but that was just the way my parents had taught me to act. Now that we are at Aves, I realize I was wrong. Anastasia, I really do like you. Would you be kind enough to give me another chance?" he says, his face hopeful.

Is he serious?

"It's Ana, and why should I?" Her face was burning red as she stared at the ground.

"Because you are kind and willing to take a chance," he whispered.

"Okay, one date, but that is it." Ana strode back to her friends and went down to her room. Why had she agreed? After six years of being with Denei, you should figure out that he is a bad person. Fully clothed, she layed in her bed and finally went to sleep.

The next day was filled with dark skies and darker attitudes. Natasha was so angry that Ana had accepted Denei's offer. "He was such a jerk and now you let him get away with a date!" she had screamed, her face turning red and blotchy.

In science, the girls worked on planting seeds. Ruebus was sitting on his yellow desk, his legs swinging back and forth. In his hand was a small daisy which he was watering.

Math with Ms. Quirke was dull as always, but she seemed to have a bit of anger added to her usual bitterness. A boy from Pidgeon's Beak was passing notes to a girl across the room. She went mad and gave him three detentions.

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