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"Portugal?" Antonio said, completely confused as to why he — of all people — was currently stood in the doorway to the meeting room. "What are you doing here?"

"I was invited." João replied.

"May I ask who by?" Spain pressed further. "It's unlike you to—"

"I asked him to."

Spain glanced towards Romano and frowned slightly, as if he thought he'd been hearing things. There was no way that Lovino had invited João to the meeting, especially when it was one of confidence and secrecy between only the countries present. He had to stifle a groan.

Everyone else in the room had a fairly similar reaction. They had no idea why Portugal had shown up upon the Italian's request, considering that as far as they were all aware, they never really spoke. In fact, Spain was the only connection between the two, and even then, Antonio was much closer to Lovino.

Nevertheless, João was stood in the doorway. He gave a small smile to England, who instinctively returned the gesture, though he was still utterly bewildered. The Portuguese man walked casually around the table, hands in pockets, until he came to stop behind his Iberian neighbour. Antonio said nothing.

"I think you and I need a little chat." Portugal said eventually, tired of the silence. He rested a hand on Spain's shoulder. "Outside, of course."

"Of course." Antonio replied, before muttering under his breath: "Lo resolveremos más tarde..."

Lovino glanced down at the table. That was aimed at him, and he knew it. Ever since he'd admitted to asking Portugal to show up, Antonio been staring the Italian. Not with hatred or anger, however, but more with a disappointment and sadness. He felt betrayed, almost. Rising from his seat, Antonio gestured for João to lead the way, and the pair were out of the room within two minutes of Portugal's appearance.

"Looks like fratello isn't going to have any fun tonight, then..." Feliciano mumbled to himself. Unfortunately, Ludwig heard this and elbowed him in response. "OK let's take a break!" he quickly, amiably said.

"Good idea..." Germany said, sighing lightly.

"Right, Japan and I will start preparing for dinner." Arthur stated. He glanced at the watch on his wrist. "It's four o'clock, so shall we say... Food at six?"

A chorus of 'yes's sounded around the room.

"Alright. In the mean time, perhaps someone should locate America and Russia." he continued as he got out of seat, followed by Japan. "They might want filling in on things we've gone through."

"I'll go," Matthew responded, "just give me a minute."

And so once more, the meeting was put on hold. Japan and England were gone, Canada left soon after to go and find his brother, and everyone else stayed in the meeting room, deciding to talk over what matters had been brought up so far.

Yao asked the Italy Brothers more about Pompeii, and it soon evolved into a conversation about Ancient Rome himself; Germany and France managed to start conversing about World War Two without either of them feeling uncomfortable; Prussia  and Sealand had started to discuss the entries that were yet to appear.

Outside, the air was gradually cooling as the Sun started to cast a vast shadow on the rear gardens of the build. Matthew liked it. He'd always preferred the faint coldness of a shadow, the icy touch of snow, the frosty bite of northern winds... As he stepped out into the larger space of the garden, he could hear two voices talking in the near distance. He recognised them almost immediately, and chose to quietly follow them.

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