A Staged Dare

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The seats of the Sorenson Community Theater were filling fast. As with any local theatre there was a core group of people drifting in and out. A few new faces were scattered around, their faces scanning the sheet music clutched in their hands. Snatches of different songs could be heard as the actors practiced the tricky parts one more time. Musicals always brought a large crowd and Into the Woods was a very popular one.

            In the front row, Maude slumped in the faded green velvet seat. She had chosen to isolate herself today. Her usual bevy of friends were whispering across the aisle and she was sure the talk was all speculation about who would get which role. Of course it would be mingled with some gossip. And she knew exactly what that gossip would be.

            She reached into her purse and pulled out a pen. The audition forms hadn’t changed in the last five years. She filled in the spaces with her precise handwriting. She missed Jack beside her, always elbowing her as he used his left-handed scrawl.

            A body dropped down beside her. “Hey, whatcha doing over here all by yourself? Has our queen abdicated, leaving the many princesses to jockey for the position?”

            This produced a quiver of a smile. “Anyone of them can have it. I’ve always thought the life of a peasant would be so much simpler.” The brief smile faded. “But then, why are you here instead of playing the faithful sidekick? I figured you’d be saving a seat for his majesty the king.”

            Jaime wiped his wire-rimmed glasses on the front of his dress shirt and put them back on. He gave an appreciative glance to the young woman beside him. Blonde, cork-screw curls draped across her face in careless disarray. The noble carriage that usually held her erect was slumped in the seat, her clothes thrown together with none of the usual style.

            “The king is being an ass.”

            Maude gave a shrug and continued answering the prompts on her audition form. “It wasn’t all his fault. I can be just as stubborn. The only difference is, I can own up to it. Do you know what part he’s trying out for?”

            Her slightly heavy set companion took out a pen rough from gnaw marks and began scribbling on his own form. “Why are you trying to avoid him then? You know this is just going to blow over in a few days. I give it a week at most. You guys have fought before. And I think he said something about the baker or the wolf role. Can I assume you are trying out for the prestigious role of the witch? I myself, since you didn’t ask, would like to be the narrator.”

            “You’d make a great narrator. And you know this is one of the roles I’ve been dreaming about.” She waved her hand towards the gaggle of girls still talking. She tried to ignore the worrisome know in her stomach as she realized they were darting glances at her and Jaime. She could just imagine what the whispers were about that. “As you said, we already have plenty of princesses. Though the baker’s wife would be fun too. Rolling around on stage with a handsome prince can give a girl ideas.”

            “Any particular prince you had in mind? ‘Cause I might be persuaded to try out for that role instead.”

            Before she could answer the tease, Jack came down the center aisle crossed in front of her and plopped down beside Jaime. “Thanks for saving me a seat.” He paused at his friend’s stare. “What? Oh, her. Look, we’re both adults. We can sit in proximity of each other and be civil. Gonna have to share a stage, might as well get used to it now.”

            Jaime shook his head. “Pal, sometimes you truly are clueless.”

            Clementine Stevens;one of several directors on the board, chose that moment to stand up and walk to the front of the auditorium. She put a cardboard container down on the lip of the stage. “Hi everyone. Welcome to the Sorenson Theatre’s audition for our fall performance of Into the Woods. I’m gonna shake things up a little today. Music auditions will be a little later as Caleb is running late as usual.” She patted the box. “I’m gonna call you up in pairs or small groups. Each person is going to reach in and pull an object out of the box. Using these objects we’re gong to do some improv. For those of you who don’t know, that’s when we just make things up as we go. This play is high energy and it’s supposed to be fun. So let’s shake out our hair and let it loose.”

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