Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


As the three broke the tree line and began walking through the field that surrounded Jace's pack house, Michael opened a mind link with his Alpha.

'What was it this time? It took longer than usual,' Michael asked with a concerned look covering his features.

Faith took a deep breath before replying, 'It was the day the rapes started.' Michael cringed because he knew exactly what she was talking about. She had explained the more gruesome memories to him and Kevin in an attempt to stop bottling up the feelings associated with them and try to forget entirely. It helped only to a degree. The flashbacks were obviously still there but they weren't as frequent as before she talked to them about everything.

Michael dropped the topic and took Faith's hand in his with a comforting squeeze to let her know he's there for her. Although, the moment was cut short when Kevin cleared his throat and pointed towards the few people still outside the house. Most people had went inside about fifteen minutes ago. Squinting their eyes, they saw what looked to be an argument forming between two of the people still outside, with a third to the sidelines.

Faith rolled her eyes and jogged up to them.

"Get over it! She likes me better than you!" It was a boy about fourteen with short brown hair yelling at another boy his age with jaw length blonde hair, both about two inches taller than the Alpha in front of them. Faith saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair that seemed to be a year younger than the duo with her face bright red trying to diffuse the situation from a few feet away.

"No, she likes me better!" The blonde boy argued. Faith coughed to gain the attention of the angry boys.

"And who are you?!" They both yelled at the same time. The younger girl, obviously knowing who Faith was, dropped her head in respect and stayed quiet. Michael and Kevin walked over to the girl and tried to calm her down as Faith played with the teenagers. Faith smiled at her and looked back at the boys with the smile still wide on her face.

However, this only made the boys angrier, causing them to attack Faith at once. She raised a brow as she easily dodged them both. The two looked at each other, nodded, and the blonde one attempted to tackle her as the other ran behind her and tried to take out her legs. Faith laughed as she jumped easily out of the way once again. She could see the anger rising in the two as they both ran at her and tried to land a punch. This time, the Alpha placed both hands behind her back and kept both feet firmly on the ground as she only dodged by moving her head or twirling. After about thirty seconds of doing this, Faith stuck out her foot and tripped the brunette as she caught the blonde's wrist in her hand and squeezed hard enough to scare him.

"Okay, okay!" The blonde whimpered. Faith nodded and let go of his wrist, then helped the brunette stand.

"I believe it's time to introduce each other." Michael said as he walked over to the three with Kevin and the younger girl trailing behind him. "The woman who just kicked your ass without landing a single punch is the Alpha of the Sunnyside Valley pack, Faith." Michael gestured to his smiling commander as she gripped both boys on their shoulders. Their jaws dropped as they looked behind them and began apologizing vehemently. Once they were done the brunette introduced himself first. His name was John while the blonde boys name was Dustin.

Faith nodded her head to the still red faced girl next to Kevin, asking, "And what's your name?"

The girl stuttered out, "S-Sophia." Faith walked over to the girl with the smile still on her face and asked what this whole situation was about. Her face somehow got even redder and looked down at her feet as she answered, "They both want me to be their girlfriend..."

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