Chapter 3- finding her way

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Chapter 3- finding her way

Devon takes her first steps outside, closes her eyes and takes a deep breath of the cold icy air of Washington state. She remembers what the outside feels like, and pictures the time when her and her sister were helping her mother garden In the backyard. Maddie was eight and Devon was four. Maddie says to her "Dev your doing such a good job!" And smiles at her. Devon opens her eyes and starts walking. She then realizes that she hadn't planned where she was going to go and how she was going to get there before she left. Devon remembers the book she read and wants to go there. "It's so beautiful" she thinks. Wait! Maybe I should go there! She says. Devon try's to remember where the story was held. Hawaii? Key west? Bahamas? "Costa Rica!" She remembers. Devon knows where she wants to go to Costa Rica and live on her own. She starts to the bus station, on her way to the airport.

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