Bring Me to Life

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Chapter 8: Bring Me to Life

I wandered aimlessly. I didn't know where I was going. I was hurt, to put it simply. Mother had been right; I was setting myself up for this. And I didn't stop it, I let it happen. But I wasn't remorseful.

I didn't know what to do; if I was a vampire I couldn't go back and behave normally.

With this time on my hands, I deliberated over David's word, one phrase finally sunk in...

"You'll have to kill people Astrid."

Kill. I would have to kill people to survive. No. I didn't want to be a murderer. Did that mean I'd end up like Star? Stuck where I wasn't wanted?

"Hey, Ass!"

I turned around, that word was commonly used a as nickname for me by those lovely girls from school. They thought they were being original - you know, Ass - Astrid - but actually people at my old schools had called me that too. Well now I would stop it.

"Yeah, Ass! That's your name, isn't it?"

It was Rayleigh, a girl I never could stand.

"What do you want...Ray?"

I smirked at her and she paused, unsure of her actions - never once had I retaliated.

Her cronies were stilling egging her on and she didn't back down, if she did her reputation would be in tatters. She knew this. She decided to front it out.

"I thought I told you to never show your ugly face around here again?" She smiled nastily.

I stepped closer, until we were practically nose to nose. Well, more nose to chest - I was kind of short.

"Back off. I'm sure you can get that into your thick skull." I spoke calmly, utterly at ease.

She glanced back at her gang, for reassurance. They themselves didn't know what to do; they only picked on people they were sure they could win against. Well, they picked the wrong person tonight.

I opened my mouth slightly, It might have look like a smile from a distance, but really it was only me opening my mouth wider - just enough for my teeth to be visible.

And in case you're thinking I was basically showing her what I was, I wasn't. My teeth-or fangs- did not come out; instead I let her imagine it. And she did, it wasn't difficult, what with my expression and it came naturally to humans to be frightened. Pity, she hadn't initially noticed it and listened.

Rayleigh raised her fist and aimed for my face. I grinned at her and caught it. She gazed at me in horror and astonishment. She then turned tail and scattered with her gang. I smiled in satisfaction; I had never felt so powerful.

"Having fun then?" Marko stepped forward.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was sent to find you and bring you back," Marko explained, "looks like you don't need any help from me though."

I snarled at him, "If you think I'm going back with you now, after what David said, well you've got another thing coming!"

"Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way...."

He swiftly walked to my side and whipped out a small but heavy-looking rock.

"What're you doing with that?!" I demanded.

He hit me with it.

I felt myself once again falling into the dark abyss. Before I slipped under however, I distinctly heard Marko's final remark,

"The easy way."

A/N Review/comment please? I'd love constructive critism! (:

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