Feeling Good

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Chapter 3: Feeling Good

I soon found that it was actually the old Hudson Bluff's cave we were heading to.....wait what were we doing here? I frowned, time spun backwards and I saw myself with my mother, she was telling me the ghost stories of Santa Carla and one in particular leaped out at me, "You see Astrid, the Bay has a myth of a gang of....well let's say mythical being, I don't want to scare you, that live in the bowels of the cave, preying on the tourists." I had shuddered and my mother stopped abruptly, "oh, honey, I'm sorry; I didn't want to frighten you!"She put her arm around me, in a rare moment of comfort, but sadly I was too preoccupied to enjoy this unusual gesture of love, "but..Mummy, who were these.......beings?" I had badly wanted to know, I was fascinated by stories, especially as my own life was a bit on the dull side. "Well honey, if you're sure it won't give you any nightmares, they say there are...vampires."I had gasped and my mother misinterpreted it, "I knew I shouldn't have told you! Oh hell...they aren't real darling, don't be scared!" The truth was I wasn't scared, I was awed. Vampires....how extraordinary.

I jerked back into the present, brought on by David waving his hand in my face, "hello? Astrid? Anyone home?" I blinked and nodded, David laughed, "thought we lost you there!" I smiled weakly and followed him into the cave.

I was awed again, this place was magnificent, even better than my own house and that took a lot! It was a large, converted hotel; chock full of, well, stuff. It had a large foyer, with adjoining rooms all along the length of the cave. The main attraction in the centre was a large poster of Jim Morrison. I absent-mindedly wondered if vampires had role models. David was obviously pleased by my reaction and gave me a rundown of the history of this hotel, it sounded rehearsed, like he'd said it many times. My thoughts kept drifting to my mother's story, surely they weren't, you know.....

I felt so silly suggesting it, even in the privacy of my own head, but perhaps I could mention the story and witness the reaction. I don't know where I was getting all this uncharacteristic courage; it was like being with them boosted my confidence. I had to admit, I liked it.

"So.....aren't you guys a little freaked out to be staying here? What, with all those stories..."

David visibly tensed and asked sharply, "What stories?" I shrugged, trying to remain cool and nonchalant, that wasn't the reaction I had been looking for. The others, I noticed, remained silent, with the exception of Marko- responding to David's whispering to him. Marko had left quickly and silently and it was only now I noticed his absence.

"Where's Marko disappeared to?" David smiled but it was much more malevolently this time, I inwardly and involuntarily shivered. "Oh don't worry he'll be back, soon."

And he did return soon, as quickly and silently as he had left. He had a large, bejewelled bottle, which he carried with a reverence. He handed it carefully to David and I found myself idly wondering what would happen if it were to become broken.

David took a swig from the bottle. It must have tasted bitter, as he shuddered after drinking, however proceeded to take another long drink. He offered it to me. I hesitantly took it.

Star flitted to my side, and whispered something, something far too low for me to hear. And somewhere, in the hazy fog of my mind, I realised it was probably because she didn't want the others to hear. The boys began to chant my name and I felt like I was floating, in a dream-like state. But Star's voice was still at me, increasing in pace and volume, but still I couldn't hear her. Her voice then took on an edge of hysteria but I couldn't... wouldn't listen.

And then I did it.

The action which changed my life.

I threw the bottle back and I drained it.

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