young : 01

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"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power." Anonymous


    "Da-Ye (Dah-Yee)!" Shouted the voice of a young boy. The boy's semi-short, honey-gold locks bouncing along as he darted across the lawn in search for his beloved sister.

    "Da-Ye, we're going to Yona's house today, remember? We have to visit her and Uncle to comfort them after Auntie's death!"" The young prince called, turning his head left and right, his eyes prying into every nook and cranny of the yard.

      The sudden 'thud' of an object against a plank of wood caught his attention making his head swerve towards the source of the sound. "Da-Ye?" Su-Won - the boy - asked, peering behind a tree to find his younger sister by 1 year with a bow in her hand, the string taut against the wood as an arrow glinted in the sunlight.

       He watched with awe as his father instructed and corrected his sister's form and positioning, helping the girl to near perfection.

       In just the time it took Su-Won to take a breath, Da-Ye had released her grip on the shaft of the arrow, the iron-tipped weapon zooming through the air before contacting the fletching of another arrow embedded into the target's center, cutting cleanly through the other arrow so that the arrow she had just released was on the exact same spot the previous arrow was.

       It was as if the entire world had come to a stop, only the arrow zipping through the air continuing on in slow motion.

       "Amazing!" Su-Won said, scampering through the trees to reach the clearing where Da-Ye and father were standing. Once he reached the pair, the young prince wrapped his thin arms around the raven-haired girl, nuzzling his forehead lovingly on the top of her head.

      "Ahh! Su-Won-nii stop that! Don't embarrass me in front of father!" Da-Ye squealed, trying to push away Su-Won with her free arm, the other trying to keep her bow away from his body so it wouldn't be crushed by his weight.

"Alright, alright!" Su-Won said with a cheerful smile, stepping away from Da-Ye before turning to his father. "Father, after the trip will you teach me how to use a sword as you teach Da-Ye with her how?" The boy asked expectantly, his eyes sparkling with admiration for the warrior.

"Haha, of course my son." Prince Yu-Hon -their father - said, patting his child on the head before complimenting his other other child for the great shot. "You're both very talented. I'm sure when you both grow up you'll be exceptional warriors." He said.

Su-Won's eyes seemed to shine almost as if all the stars of the galaxy were taking refuge in his large turquoise-blue eyes while Da-Ye's face burned and flushed with embarrassment, her tiny hands clutching the wood of her bow tightly as she felt pride surge through her veins.

"Thank you Father!" Both children shouted before Su-Won took his sister's hand in his, scurrying away towards the mansion, looking over his shoulder at his cherished father and waving a cheerful farewell.


Once the horse-drawn carriages came to a halt at the gates leading to Kouka Castle, the honey-haired Su-Won dragged his sister with him, smiling warmly at the frosty cold snow falling from the sky.

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