Chapter One

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Chapter 1

It was that time of year again. The sun was shining, well, a little brighter that usual I guess, and everyone was sitting by their HV (holovision) for The Selection. No one in Sovereignty WANTED to watch, but it was against The Laws not to. Soon, 6-10 boys and girls would be dragged from their homes and taken to The Leadership's top scientists as brand-new test monkeys (I'm not quite sure what a "monkey" is, but I think I heard that expression in a history book or something). Right on time, Presider Lonn flickered onto the HV and began his speech.

"Good afternoon cosmopolitans of Sovereignty. Today, June 6th in the year of 3030, all of you are present to watch The Selection of 3 young women ages 12-22, and 7 young men ages 13-21. Let's begin with the men."

A virtual random selector would decide our fates. I never really payed close attention to the guys, so all I really caught was the last few names.

"...Kai Axton, Zen Phoenix, and Gage Dervilia."

This was such a waste of time. Three girls picked out of the two million in Sovereignty. There was not even the slightest chance it would be me...right?

"Now for the women."

Still, I listened.

"Jade Syrus..."

I knew Jade. We used to be really close back in Firsts School. Now we were fifteen and in Finals School, just before being assigned to our jobs. The jobs we would have forever.

"Promise Seeki, and Hayli Enikk. All Selected will be escorted from their property in exactly 10 minutes. Thank you."

The HV flickered off and I sat there, stunned. Out of the two million girls in Sovereignty, I...I had been Chosen.

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