Age Of Innocent's Book 1 chapter Nine

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J xxxxxx

Chapter Nine


Morgan stood in front of them she didn't want to have to tell all this to her

daughter she wanted to protect her but she had to know the truth in order to

protect herself I should have told her sooner. She sighed

Ok, as I started to tell you before we are direct descendants of Morgan Le Fay

Morgan is known by many names Morgan le Fay, Morgaine la Fee

or Morgana the Fairy

Each culture and their meanings are different they all have their own

legends of course our family and only our family knows the truth she

isnt the horrible person everyone has made her out to be.

She was born in Tintagil Castle, Gorre which is now part of modern day

Cornwall in England.

Most commonly she was know as Morgan or Morgana or La Mestresse [des]

fées de la mer salée. Which as you both know is roughly translated as

mistress of the fairies of the salt sea"

Again depends Which legends you read.

Morgan le Fay was half-human and half-faerie.

The faeries as you know are an ancient race of beings with unmatched

supernatural powers.

these powers are said to have originated from an other-dimensional

world known to you as the "outer world"

The Outer world borders upon Britain and Ireland however as you are

also aware we can create portals to our world.

We are also accused of being closely related to the Dark Elves of

Svartleheim, one of the Nine Worlds of Asgardian or Norse Cosmology.

Morgan Le Fay is said to be the daughter of Gorlois, Duke of Tintagil

and of his wife, Igraine.

Igraine as we know also bore King Arthur of Camelot

We suspect it passes through the female gene although it has been know

to pass onto males too but not as often.

Morgan's unusual hair colour and her vast potential as a sorceress are

both traits due to her faerie descent.

Since she was part faerie, she also ceased aging upon reaching


Just like you and myself although for very different reasons.

There is a very common misconception that has worked its way through

Legends of old and stories new

It has been a story told by some that it was Morgan who used her

sorcery to provoke the incestuous affair with Arthur.

This is not true even the family do not know the full extent of their

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