Age Of Innocent's Book 1 chapter Seven

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Chapter seven


Coleten looked my father in the eyes and stated quite simply

please sir call me Cole.

I am in love with your daughter as you would be aware.

I have every intention of marring this beautiful lady if she will have


He looked at me then

I do not however plan on disgracing you or her by taking our

relationship to any physical level that would not meet your


I would not disrespect you, Jaz, my family or myself with that kind of


I have waited 150 years for her just to be in my life I can wait

however long she needs me too.

He addressed my father I have already asked Jasmine to be with me,

I know i should have asked your permission first sir but when I saw

how lovely she is I got carried away with my voice my mind didn't catch

up until later.

Unfortunately she has a knack of making me say whatever is in my head

so for that inconvenience I apologise.

My father laughed yes she does seem to bring that out in people.

Well you seem sincere so you have my blessing

My father patted Cole on the back and started to steer him to the study

So Cole tell me how's your mother doing these days?

I didn't hear the reply my father had already closed the door.

I was left stood there with my mum and my best friend all with our

mouths open I was the first to speak

Well I can't believe that just happened

My mum looked at me shook her head like she was trying to clear it and


Your father is unbelievable he just left us stood here we need to talk

and he walked right by me.

Mother looked furious she started towards the study I am worried she

might blow something up so I follow mum, mum clam down it's ok he

probably though you where behind him

She looked at me and tried to smile but walked right into dads study

he was sat at his desk about to pour a drink he face stuck in a look

of complete shock at being interrupted.

Dad inst used to being interrupted

I couldn't help but laugh I tried to cover it with a cough but as we

don't usually cough that didn't work very well

It didn't matter anyway the only one looking at me was Cole and he was

smiling at me.

I smiled at him he was sat by the door in a chair so I went over and

sat on his knee

He looked astonished at first then he grinned talk about the cat

getting the cream he looked like he had the gold dish too it he slide

his arms around my waist like I was going to disappear he makes me laugh.

Mum still had a face that would scare the devil

What do you think you're doing she asked my dad before giving him

chance to speak she said

We need to talk.

That was the moment she turned to us with a beaming smile

Why don't you show Cole the house huni

Oh by the way Cole where are you staying

He looked at me at little unsure

Well he started I'm staying t the little motel in town

Oh my god, no your not that place is very unsavoury. Jaz take him to

get his things your staying here with us.

The way she said it left no room for discussion but he tries anyway

Mrs. Mac Lachlan I can't impose on you like that. He smiled at her

My mum snorted

Nonsense you are now part of this family whether you like it or not and

call us mum and dad or Morgan an Stephan no need for formalities.

Before Cole could answer I said

Thanks mum see ya later.

I grabbed Cole's hand and dragged him from the room

Where's Cal he said

Oh she left she said she had some stuff to take care of but I think

she was trying to give us some time alone you know to get to know one


I grabbed my keys off the table and danced out the door

You want to drive? I asked dangling my keys at him

Normally I wouldn't have handed over my keys but you can tell a lot

about a person by the way they drive plus I get to stare at him without

being caught.

He took my keys we took off towards town.

He didn't say anything for a while then he glanced at me and said

Are you ok with this?

I was a little confused

With what?

Me staying at your home, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable

and you haven't said much since we left the house.

Oh that yeah I think it's a great idea that way we can get to know

each other without much interruption besides like mum said your part of

the family now

I laughed see if you take me on it's all or nothing

He roared with laughter

I wouldn't want it any other way my love.

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