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They were lovers everyone saw that, but they didn't being friends since preschool till college she, going to the same school and everything. He was there for her breakups and she was there for his. When they wanted to go to parties they would sneak out together. They got drunk and sometimes did drugs together. They were friends and didn't want anything more than that, or so they thought. He was slowly drifting away from her, going to more parties, doing more drugs, drinking more and even coming to school drunk. His friend circle changed, he started hanging out with the jerks and bullies. He talked to her rarely and when they did talk, he made fun of her calling her a pansy and a chicken for not leaving her house to hang with his sex driven "buddies". She refused to call them his friends, because they weren't. They weren't the people he needed in his life, she was because she knows what he needs, and right now he needs help.

          She didn't want to waste her time with that, she just wanted a normal day with her best friend. She called him, asking to have a day with him and surprisingly he had said yes. He was drunk, already when she called him, but she didn't need to know that. He thought he was pretty good at hiding it from people he drove to her apartment where they shared many memories together. When he knocked on her door he didn't think he'd be engulfed in a hug. Her scent was even more intoxicating than all the alcohol he drank this morning. He was too afraid to love her, so he drank his feelings away. He lead her to his car, opening the door for her to get in. He had the whole day planned for them. They would go eat, go to the mall for a bit then they'd go watch a movie at the theater. It was going to be just like the good old days before he drank, did hard core drugs and partied hard. 

       He knew she'd like him again, that's if he kept the flask he had brought with hidden from her. They made it to the cute little diner just on the outskirts of town, she loved the little place after all they had her favorite pie. They ate in peace, the waitress trying to make small talk between the two and it wasn't working. When they were done he sent her out to the car so he could pay and "go to the bathroom" a.k.a done could drink from his flask. He chugged it all, maybe out of nerves or something like that. He could tell he was a goner. Not sure if he'd be able to hide this from her, he stumbled out of the bathroom and slowly made his way to the car. He pulled out fast, not looking. When the car started to be pushed he knew he crashed. The car was flipped at least 8 times. They landed upside down he started to panic.

         There was a lot of blood, but it wasn't coming from him, it was from her. He kept screaming her name, hoping she would wake up. The sirens got louder and louder as the got closer. He was pulled out first, was looked at and walked away with minor injuries. She was different though, they took a body bag and a stretcher over to her body. When he saw her body being put in the bag he broke down crying. He cost a girl her life because he was too afraid to love her, he walk realized his actions have consequences.

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