Meeting Everyone

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The next day~

Swap: Good morning, you three! I made pancakes, so who wants some?

All three: We do!

Blueberry: What kind are they?

Swap: Blueberry and honey! Your favorites! Eat up, 'cause we have a long day ahead.

Swap: Blueberry and honey! Your favorites! Eat up, 'cause we have a long day ahead

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Moon: I've never had Blueberry honey pancakes before. *takes a bite* This is so good! Hey, um... Swap, can Gother have some?

Swap: Of course! There is plenty, so here you go, Gother! *sets down a bowl of cut up pancakes*

                 ~~ Done Eating~~

Moon: So, where are we going, Da- I mean Swap?

Swap: You can call me Dad if you want, I don't mind.

Moon: T-Thank you.... So, where are we going today?

Swap: We are going to walk through the Underground so we can introduce you to everyone here!
Moon: Okay, that sounds like fun. So, where are we headed first, Swap!

Swap: How about we go to see Grilby first?

Blueberry: That sounds great! You'll love him Moon! Mweheheh!!

Papyrus: Yeah he is a good friend. He is a little crazy though, but still cool.

Moon: Um, hehe. Okay, let's go!

                    《 At Grillby's》

Grillby: Hellooooooooo~ Oh, I see you've made a new friend. * leans down to look Moon in the face* Never the less. What can I help you with on this fine day?

Swap: Nothing much actually. Just showing Moon around the Underground. How's businesses today?

Grillby: Good but slow.......still good though!

Papyrus: *mumbles* No surprise with all the stuff you over price.

Grillby: Oh, I know you did not just say that!

Papyrus: Yeah, I did. What're you gonna do, Shorty!

Grillby: Oh you motherfuc-

Swap: OKAY, THAT'S ENOUGH M'KAY, BYE BYE NOW!! *pulls everyone out of the restaurant*

Moon: That was fun. So, where are we going next?

Papyrus: How about Muffet's?

Blueberry: NO!

Swap: Okay!

Blueberry: Ughhh!

Moon: Yay!

All: *singing and skipping* We're off to see the Muffet, the wonderful Muffet of Oz!!

                      *At Muffet's*

Papyrus: And here we are. After you, Moon, Berry, and Dad. *opens door*

Moon: Thank you Papy. Come on, Gother! *skips inside*

Blueberry: Thanks, Paps!

Swap: Why, thank you Papyrus.

Papyrus: Hey Muffet, are you here!

Muffit: Yes, I'm here. Nice to see the whole family.........and who is this small one and her friend, hmmm?

Moon: Hi, I'm moon and this is my pet dragon. He can eat almost anything!

Muffet: Wow, that's very nice. Would you like to sit down?

Swap: Yes please.

Muffit: Okay, come sit down at the counter.

All: *sit on bar stools*

Moon: *struggling to get on the stool*

Swap: *picks up and puts on stool*

Moon: Thank you~

Muffit: Can I get you anything?

Swap: Water all around please.

Muffit: Okay, I will be right back.

Blueberry: So, what should we talk about?

Moon: Why do guys have nipples? I mean, they don't need them, so why why do they have them?

Papyrus: I...I don't know. That is a good question: Why do we guys have nipples? I mean, we don't because we are skeletons, but hmm, why?

Blueberry: I have no idea. Do you know, Dad?

Swap: Hmmm. No, actually. I wonder...

Muffet: Okay, here are your drinks!

All: Thank you!

Moony H-Hey Muffet, why do guys have nipples?

Muffet: I........I dunno. Hmm, good question. I hope find the answer.

Moon: Yeah, me too!

Gother: What are n-n-nipples?

Moon: *falls out of chair sideways* W-What, you can talk?! H-How is that?!

Gother: I don't know how, but I has talking now.

Muffett: How wonderful.

Swap: Okay, well we're going now, buh-bye!

Muffet: Goodbye!

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