The Underground?

11 1 3

Moon's pov

"GO RUN THROUGH THE PORTEL",I hear my dad yell I run to the portel to see my mom standing next to it."When you get through the portel just keep running don't stop no matter what understand". I nod and go through the portel. When I get through the portel I end up on a mountain,when I turn around my mom hands me a baby dragon."Here he will protect you as you both grow you will build an unbreakable bond you must also protect him as well."Ok,I love"I say as hug her"I love you too now go " she says as she fights off a chrader demon as the portel closed. I turn and star to run as fast as I can with the baby dragon in my arms. Mind I'm only 11 and running for my life.  I stop to catch my breath, and then....I hear Him. I started running for my life. "There he is after him!!"he yells. I am well ahead of them but still hear them. As I am running I'm looking for a place to hide. I turn around so I am walking backwards I fall into a hole in the mountain. Before I hit the ground all I can see are blue flowers? Then I black out.

Blueberry: do you think any humans fell to day pap?!

Carott: I dunno bro.

Moon: oww my head where am?

Blueberry: o my gosh pap a HUMAN,HUMAN,HUMAN!!

Carott: mmmhhh really?

Blueberry: yes now come on pap.

Moon:*turns around* are you skeletons?


Carott: and I am papyrus/carrot and you are?

Moon:I'm moon and I'm a demon but a good one,and I have my baby dragon here with me.

Blueberry:wowi pap look,oh my, human you are bleeding!

Moon:oh my head ooowwwww.

Carott:hhhmmmmm hay blue let's take the human home and fix them up?

Blueberr:great idea papy come on human let's go*holds out hand*

Moon:haha ok let's go*takes blues hand*

~~on the way to blue and carrots house~~

Carott:so human this is the underground all monsters remain down in the underground, there are many different types of monsters live down here in the underground ghosts,fish,dogs,lizards,and many others.

Moon:oh I see it's kind of like that in the demon rellm exempt our powers are elaments like,ice,fire,earth,water,and many others.

Blueberry:than whats your power or powers?

Moon: well I have galixy and ice, so with the galixy I have stars that I can make bigger so I can sit on it and fly away,and flot around, I can also just float and can make an ilotion and a lot more. And use as ninja star and the Cresent moon is like a bomberand.

Carott: and what about the ice magic?

Moon: aaahh yes  with the ice I can make sharp ice shareds,swords,spears,and almost nothing else.


~~time skip at the swap hous~~

Moon:thanks for patching me up papyrus.

Carott:no problem is your dragon ok?

Moon: ummm yeah hi's ok.

Carott:ok go-


Moon:ummm yes I'm moon,siliver moon is my full name

Swap:well nice to meet you!!

Moon:nice to meet you to.

    ~~ after the healing and bandage~

Carott: well you can stay with us if you want if you have no where else to go. Dad is that ok dad?

Swap: sure why not I don't mind

Moon: t-thank you can my dragon gother stay to?

Swap: of course he can,oh look he is awake what does he eat?

Moon: oh hi there,ummm he can eat anything

Carott: what about honey?

Moon:yeah he can have honey

Carott:ok here boy * sets down a bowl of honey*

Gother:*starts to eat the honey*

living with the swapsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora