Chapter One

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    Her pace quickens as she continuously looks behind her. Glancing quickly behind her she runs into a tree. “Ouch why am I so darn clumsy!” The girl says to herself quietly as she gets back up.
    “Seize her!” The spies yell behind her as they continue to run after her. Running as far as she could away from the spies she ended up running all the way out of town with them still behind her. Quickly, she looks at the scrape that she had gotten when she ran into the tree and slowly moved her eyes upward to the bracelet that had her name carved into it. Raven.


    “Come on, you can’t be serious. Another missing person in the same day?” Agent Q says.
    “Well, yes I’m serious. If we knew why all of these people are going missing then maybe we would be able to figure out who is taking them and where they are located. But we just don’t know all of that information agent, we are trying our best.” General Eddison replies back to Agent Q.
    “That’s it!” She exclaims as she slams her fist on General Eddison’s desk.
    “What’s it?” He asks her as he slowly gets up out of his seat.
    “Don’t you understand what we need to find out? We need to know why they are going missing, where they are at or going to, who took them in any case if anyone did, exactly when they went missing, and what it is behind it all and what does it all mean.” She explains back to him.

    “So we would need to figure out one why, one where, one who, one when, and two whats. I’m sorry agent but that would just take too much time to figure out, by the time we were to they were most likely all either be dead or never be able to be found again.” He replies back to her sorrowfully​.
    “Well can’t we just try?” She says back to him.
    “No we can’t. We don’t have the anything for that. Not the materials, the time, or even a strategy.” He replies before sighing.
    “Well can’t we just try to squeeze it all in?” She says hopeful.

    “No. Anyway your new and I never got your name Agent. I would like to know your name so I don’t have to call you Agent Q. I would call you Agent and then your name so that it would sound more formal and correct.” He says.
    “Ah, you’re right. My name is Amelia. I know your name is Eddison since they put the General's name after General, heh.” She replies.
    “Okay, Agent Amelia. Or would you just like Agent A? And yes you are right about Eddison being my name and them putting the General’s name after General.” He replies impressed.


    “You can call me Agent A.” She replies to him as she smiles, knowing that she had impressed him.
    “Okay Agent A. Now we need to start getting research and try to find any clues to see like what you said. Why they are going missing, Where they are going to or where they are located, Who took them if anyone did, When they went missing, and what is behind it and what does it even mean. But, with these words we will do what you just suggested. We will try to figure it all out. So Agent A I want you to start going house to house for any information. Also, anyone and everyone is in danger so make sure to take this.” General Eddison says as he hands Agent A a katana.

    “Woah do I really need this? Isn’t it a bit weird for me to go to houses holding a katana? And you actually am taking my advice? Smh.” She says in surprise
    “No you don’t have it out you put it in the holder which does around your shoulder like you would a guitar. Also I’m not going to reply to that comment on me taking you advice ‘for once’. ” He replies.
    “Oh okay good I didn’t want to be counted as a criminal and be reported to the police in any case, if I’m an agent or not ha.” She replies back nervously.
    “Well even if someone were to look at it and see it if you were say that you were an Agent I would surely hope that they would respect that and just tell you everything they know. But you know some people are idiots nowadays.” He replies, obviously annoyed.  

    “Ah yes people nowadays aren’t very respectful to many people and don’t like to ask or think before acting.” She replies sorrowfully​.
    "Sadly yes. Now we should start to get to work so we can figure everything out." He says as a smile appears in his face.
    "Yeah! Back to work we go." She says as she leaves his office and smiles as she leaves.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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