Chapter 3

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"Doctor," she responded slowly.

"Oh, you know who I am? How interesting. Have we met? Don't answer that. Information about my future probably. Oh you never want to give away that. I guess it will just be a mystery! So, what's your name then? Scottish and ginger, ah the best of 'em."

It took Anna a minute to respond to the fascinated face. A year it had been since she had the dream, or was it real? She'd been thinking about him every day for those fourteen months and now, he's returned? How? And not a day older.

"I saw you last year," she told him, "you were at my house in a blue box."

The Doctor seemed to understand soon. "Ah, you were that girl. Yes, yes, I remember. Not my future then. Okay well your name didn't come up then so it is..?"

"Parker. Anna Parker."

"Oh, a brilliant name, Anna, really."

"Who are you though? Why do you look the same as you did a year ago? Why did that blue box disappear? Is it magic?" Anna was questioning the Doctor about so many things that happened last year. She didn't even think about the fact that this man was practically a stranger.

"I can answer questions later. Did you by any chance here noises upstairs, Anna?"

"Yes. Well, robots I think. All they said was 'exterminate' just over and over." she explained.

"I was afraid so. Alright then, Anna, let's go see what they want this time."

The Doctor leapt in front of her up the stairs. She began following when Mrs. Wagner came out of the restroom. "Anna, who's that man?"

"He's the Doctor," she said.

"Well what are you doing?" Mrs. Wagner asked.

"I have absolutely no idea," she said with a grin, and she raced after the raggedy man.

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