20 things i hate about people

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I think the titles speaks for it self. (yes it talks), and these are just a quarter of the things that bother me.
Warning: This is very much a rant, there are no gray areas in this rant that can be called supportive. So yes there is a lot of hate in this rant, most likely this is not a rant for people with weak constitutions.

1) Unnecessary physical contact
I really dislike unnecessary touching, or as people call it the casual touch. *shudders* I really don’t see the reason behind touching me while talking to me. I am pretty sure people can talk with out coming into contact with my person. Whether it be on the arm, shoulder, hand shakes, hugs (with out permission or warning, back, or any other place I can’t think of at the moment. Just don’t touch me with out an at least minute warning. ...UNLESS ITS SOME HAWTY THEN ITS OKAY


2) Talking loud
This usually happens when I am on the public bus, in a store, or when people on a cell phone. They are having a supposedly private conversation with the person next to them or on the line and the seem unable to control their vocal volume. I really don’t want to hear “she said….no really!!! No way!” or “what do want for dinner? …. I know your mother is coming over…” BLAH, BLAH, BLAH… I don’t need to know your business; nor do I want to know you stupid business…while I am trying to go home and or shopping.

3) Coming to my person bubble to talk.
No one need to talk 3 inches from a persons face…I don’t need to know every dang color in your iris. Nor do I need to know what you ate just before you came talking to me. I don’t need you following me around if I walked away that means I don’t want to talk to you, unless I specifically said that I need to go do something.

4) Nosiness
Why is that people seem to find my business so dang interesting? Are their own lack of lifes so dang boring that they have to stick there giant nose in my grill! No, unless I ask a question to you directly or every one, then I don’t want to know what you think I should do. Because I wasn’t talking to you.

5) Solicitors
I don’t want to join your religion, I don’t want a discount on anything, I don’t care about your problems I have plenty of my own if I want to donate I will go strait to the organization not through a third party, and I all ready know who I am going to vote for…so stop knocking on my door and wasting my time.

6) Tell me to update my fashion to the current trend when its going be out of style in two weeks like computer models.
I don’t want your mental spam!!!!! No I don’t want to change my style because you recommended it and you are such a ‘fashionista‘. I don’t give a hoot about what Paris Hilton is currently wearing because she is a size -2 and no one but a piece of paper can fit in her clothing anyway and besides that I don’t need to know about current trend because in a second its going to change see look I am going to count… 1... Poca-dot is the new black…2...never mind its stripy neon green now…I don’t need this type of stress trying to remember your dang rules.

7) When people manipulate others
No one has any business trying to control others for their own idiotic ends one they are not your servants and two if you cant do it your own dang self then you are worthless, Yeah you have the ‘smarts to get other people to do what you want but what is the purpose of those smarts if you don’t use your own two hands to do something lazy bones.

8) When people over look others
You dare look over people because they are beyond your precious notice. Then we don’t need you anyway. What makes you so much better? Even if they did something wrong it doesn’t mean you have to ignore or look down on someone. If you can’t do anything nice in front of them then at least have the decency to wait till you get home? WHA YOU THINK YA SO GRATE HUH?

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