~Chapter 2~

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Internally groaning, all I could wish for is for that god damn beeping to shut the hell up!

Don't they know that I'm trying to slee-wait a second! Oh crap!



Beep beep

Beep beep

Panicking I can feel my heart racing, pumping fast and loud. My mother..oh god my mother!

"Quick we need another nurse she's having a panick attack!"

Feeling cold hands pin my body down, something sharp pricks my skin and cold fluid escapes into my arm.

My heart beat calms and I feel the hands remove from my sweaty skin.

Groaning out loud, I pry my eyes slowly open, flinching at the harshness of the blinding white walls and ceiling.

"She's awake! Go get those boys, I think they finally left to get some food." A loud yet soft voice echoed throughout the room.

A nurse looks down at me and smiles warmly, smiling lightly back I lift my head to only flop back down at the shooting pain going through my head.

"You need to rest for a bit and let your body get used to the fact that your awake and officially using your limbs again"

"Huh?" Frowning I sit up against the headboard of the hospital bed.

"Well after your car accident, you had major and minor injuries. Your left wrist had been broken, you pulled a muscle in your left leg, you broke one of your ribs and got a deep gash on your head, you have been in a coma for a month and a half which has given your body time to heal."

With raised eyebrows and wide eyes I snapped my mouth shut when the door slammed open opposite me.

My mouth dropped to the floor again, and I'm pretty sure I looked like a goldfish. It's the group of four guys from Morrisons.

"Hazel!" The black haired one shouts and strides over towards me along with his friends following closely behind with worried expressions.

Why would they be worried about me?

Oh but let me tell you these guys are gorgeous! Literally drool worthy and I'm gonna have to close my mouth now before I do so.

Look away from his intense gaze I cast my eyes upon a stain on the polar white floor, suddenly very interested in it.

"Uh..um...h-how do you know my name?" I'm generally concerned about that, because I'm pretty sure I didn't even speak to anyone in morrisons apart from my mother.

Oh god, my mother!

The doors burst open again revealing my auntie and uncle. Smiling brightly I open my arms to them as they rush over knowing they need reassurance that I'm ok.

"Hazel honey!" Auntie Sharon squeezes me in a hug, being careful of my ribs.

"Hey Sharon, hey Terry" I smile over mums shoulder at my uncle and he smiles back, but I can't help but notice it doesn't quite reach his eyes that are tinted with sadness.

"Oh Hazel, this young man saved your life, he pulled you out the broken window and rang an ambulance straight away. Say thank you dear." She puts her hand on black haired dudes shoulder and smiles gratefully at him.

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