chapter 4

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It simply read “hey Emily, its Niall, how are you doing?” but those few words meant so much to me. Of course I replied with “Hey, I’m great thanks, you?” and the text he replied with made my heart skip a beat…

 “not great tbh. The music is sik, but my mate can’t make it! I’m just here by myself! I know this is crazy cuz we barely know each other but I don’t suppose you want to come and join me? If you got the next bus in I reckon you would make it in time for TMB ;)”

            I sat there and thought about it for a while! I knew I wanted to but I had no idea how I was going to get away with it and not letting my mum know. After a few minutes I told myself “fuck it. You only live once right?”

            So I gathered some things together and told my mum I was going out for a bit with my friend. I ran as fast as I could to the nearest bus stop. Why couldn’t I run this fast in cross country? I knew that I must have really wanted this!

            While I was on the bus I rang my mum to tell her I was spending the night at my mates house and she fell for it J and then I sent a text to Niall telling him I was on my way and he said he would meet me at the main entrance to give me my ticket. And that’s what he did…

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