Roommates (29)

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A/N - Sorry for the delay. 

As for the person to play Ross, the voted came really close, especially between Matt Lanter (11 votes) and Asher Book (12) - So Asher Book is Ross, Rosalie's ex-boyfriend.

Only a few more chapters left :)

 Chapter Twenty Eight (Part One)

Rosalie’s P.O.V

Hesitantly, I made my way towards the park, ignoring my calls from Lizzie and Vincent and decided to put my phone on silence.

It was dark, chilly. Not that many people were around. The leaves rustled around on the pavement, a group of teenagers hung around in the corner laughing and drinking and here I was, in the middle of a park, waiting for a stranger to save my ex-boyfriends life, for God knows which reason.

Sitting on the bench, I brought my knees up and wrapped my arms around them to support my head. I looked around cautiously.

Several moments ticked by.

“Rosalie Harness?” asked a deep, scary voice.

I whipped my head around and my heart dropped ever so slightly.

The man stood at around six foot, with a long scruffy black beard and greasy hair, although he was dressed in an expensive suit, he reeked like crap.

Slowly, I stood up and nodded.

He gripped my arm, and I winced at the pain before he pulled me into a black tinted van and drove off.


“Get out,” snarled the man, making me jump from my seat.

He pulled me out and I landed on the floor and felt blood falling from my now injured knee and elbow. Stumbling up, I followed the man along with two other men who decided to join us.

I couldn’t really quite place where I was, it looked like I was in a big garage, or a warehouse, with three different cars parked inside, unpainted walls, no furniture or windows, but only two garage doors and two other doors both in opposite sides of the building.

“Where’s Ross?” I managed to whisper.

“Shut up and you will see bitch,” replied one of the two men.

I winced at his tone, and kept quiet until we reached a dark room, with only a dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

“Rose,” whispered a raspy voice.

“Shut up,” someone snarled before a slapping noise followed by a wimp took place.

I looked at where the voice was coming from, and there he was…


The first thing that I noticed about him, was he looked like crap.

His face was filled with sweat, fear and blood. He had a huge cut above his eyebrow and one on his lip; bruises were on his cheekbones and one on his left eye.

I felt myself stopping from sobbing, because I knew that for whatever reason, he was here because of me, although I hadn’t seen him for a year, he was my first boyfriend, the first person who I told my past to, the first to understand me, love me.

So, when his parents found a job in some different city, it broke my heart to see him leave, so we broke up and since then I hadn’t spoken or seen him.

“Tie her up,” whispered a deep, powerful voice, which caused shudders all over my body.

Just then, two of the three men grabbed me and slammed me down on a wooden chair before tying me up with rope, I shifted uncomfortably.

“What do you want?” I spat.

The one that seemed he was in charge took a step forward and a gasped at his features.

He looked awfully like Vincent.

His hair was a similar colour, although he had started growing grey hairs, his eyes were the same shape and dark blue colour to Vincent, alongside with his cheekbones and nose.

“Vincent,” I murmured.

The man looked shocked for a second, but his face was expressionless so I couldn’t tell if I imagined it.

“Where are your parents?” he demanded.


My parents, how was I supposed to know, they haven’t contacted me for six months.

“I don’t know,” I muttered

Just then he bought his palm and slapped me hard in the face.

“Rose,” screamed Ross, trying to move out of his seat.

“Hold him down,” replied the man.

The one with the scruffy beard and expensive walked up to Ross and got a pocket knife which he held beside his neck.

“I’m going to ask you one more time, where are your parents?” he snarled, his tone furious.

“I don’t know, I got kicked out of my house and…and haven’t seen them for six months,” I muttered.

He gripped the back of my hair, and tugged down forcefully, causing me to whimper.

“You’re going to regret lying to me bitch.”

Vincent’s P.O.V

“Hello, how may I help you?” replied a posh like voice.

“I came to report for a missing person,” I responded.

“May I ask how long this person has been missing for?” questioned the woman, calmly, which pissed me off slightly.

“For about an hour, I’m not sure,” I frowned at my answer.

“I’m sorry sir, but you should wait, we can only help if that person has been missing for more than twelve hours without notification, if they don’t-“

I cut her off by slamming the phone down.

“Fuck it,” I muttered.

“So, what did they say?” replied Lizzie, her eyes wide with concern and hope.

“Can’t help us, we should go to Zack’s he’s good with technology, perhaps he could help us track down Rosalie’s cell phone,” I informed Lizzie, she looked quite shocked at my statement, but quickly nodded and followed from behind.


A/N - because I didn't upload in two weeks I wrote this chapter, even though it's only half, I thought you would appreciate it anyway, the next part will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after. Sorry I didn't update earlier, went to France, cinema, and because I was soooo exhausted, I woke up at 5pm today and have homework, so sorry for short chapter, and second part should be uploaded soon.

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