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Nineteen Sixty-Nine. A year after Syd got kicked from Pink Floyd. More drugs running through his system, more groupies, more parties.

Louise noticed all of this. She noticed her boyfriend change and become someone else. It was strange how she still adored him, even in those few moments when it was only him and her. The sweet kisses, the small sign of love in his eyes. She lived for those moments, it was the whole reason why she stayed and stayed loyal to him, only him. He was the one she would always go back to. Of course they broke up a few times over the year, hoping that would help to stop him from drugs or sleeping around, but it didn't work. It never worked. She would always end up back by his side.

Today was one of those days. The days she loved where it was just her and him. Syd had gotten a new apartment, it was mainly empty, but a few records, a player, a mattress and Syd's paint supplies.

The feeling of chapped lips against her own as she woke up was strange, not one she felt often. Slowly the heavy eyes started to open to a soft, loving smile and beautiful hazel eyes.
"Good morning, Louise." He whispered as he leaned forward to take another kiss from the brunette. These were the moments she lived for, stayed for. It was amazing, but she knew it wouldn't last.

When the kiss had ended he was up, moving across the floor with his bare feet gracefully. He was like a fairy. Light on his feet and always free. She smiled to herself as she watched him, starting to pull out paint. A few days ago he started painting the floorboards, orange and purple.

"I would love to paint you naked." The curly haired male grinned, turning his gaze to the female as he pained the floor. She hadn't moved very far from her position. Naked, laying across the mattress, watching him paint.
A chuckle escaped her lips, tilting her head sideways as she watched him. Her eyes full of love. "Why would you like to do that?"
It didn't take long for him to abandon the paint and went towards Louise, pressing their lips against each other, pulling her closer to press himself closer to her as the kiss started to get more and more heated.

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