Horror filled Halloween part 4

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[Steve/Badguy are online]

Steve: Hello?

Badguy: Hello Steve Rogers

Steve: AHHH! You scare me *cowers*

Badguy: I know

Steve: What have U done with my friends?

Badguy: Oh, I only KILLED THEM!!! *evil laugh*

Steve: AHHH! No Steve don't freak out, just use bad words like they do on TV

Badguy: Ha! you think bad words will-

Steve: muthahf***ing a**hole full of s**t

Badguy: Wow, um... that was harsh

Steve: Damn right it was

Badguy: well, um I have to go so bye

Steve: That's right run bitch run I say is that all you- AHHHHH!

[in private msg]

Pepper: Haha very funny Loki, Loki? Fury? AHHHHHHH!

[Pepper has logged off]

Fury: Haha that was good

Loki: Yes, yes it was

Fury: So wanna grab a drink? Loki?


[Loki/Fury have logged off]

Natasha: Lol every time

Thor: Hello Natasha

Natasha: Hey Thor

Thor: Thank you for not scaring me this time

Natasha: np, but-

Thor: Your so nic- AHHHHH!

Natasha: srry I couldn't help it

[everyone has logged off]

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