Chapter Twenty Five : Annabelle Doll

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It was five o' clock and the Halloween Ball was about to start in about two hours. Ariana just woke up from her evening nap and looked around herself. Evelyn's things were yet here but Jesselyn's were not. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Ariana remembered Jesselyn saying that she would go to Cameron's house to get ready. Ah well, whatever will it be.

It was the Ball night and every instinct in Ariana's mind was telling her not to go. But she had promised her friends that she would go. And no matter how bad of a family she had had, they had always taught her to never back out on promises. She wasn't about to do that anytime soon.

Besides, Michael promised them that he would bring Evelyn. And there was just so much she needed to talk to Evelyn about. For example, what did she mean when she said that the poison was meant for her instead for her roommate? All this while, they had been assuming that it was by chance, by mistake that the poison reached there. And if it was by purpose, then why would it be on Evelyn's table?

Did no one bother telling them that it was not on Evelyn's table but Ariana's instead? Imagine the kind of shocker that was for her when Evelyn said that! She was still trying hard to believe any of it.

If the poison was for her, then that only meant that her aunt was seaking ways to destroy her, or kill her. It also meant that going to the Ball would be the worst decision that she ever took. Because her aunt would definitely be there. But she had so many questions. For Evelyn. For Michael. For Andrew. And definitely for her aunt.

And then again, if the lady had gone through all of this trouble to get her poisoned two weeks ago, then she would definitely be there. The fact that she did nothing for two weeks when her plan A failed did not help her fears either. For all that it was, it just increased them because Ariana knew that something big was at play that night.

"Knock, knock," Jesselyn said as she came back into the room. "C'mon sleepy head, we gotta dress up for a party we need to attend."

"I thought you were going to play dress up at Cameron's house?" Ariana said, more as a question than as a statement.

"She was. But then some issues occured at my place and here we are! Getting ready in her room," Cameron replied as she came in carrying three shopping bags.

"What is all this stuff?" Ariana asked as she forced her eyes open to find not just Jesselyn's bed filled with paper bags.

"Oh, just our costumes," Cameron replied.

"Yeah, I'm dressing up as a witch," Jesselyn added excitedly.

"Will you have that ugly wart on your nose too?" Ariana asked laughing.

"No silly, I am dressing up as a Harry Potter witch," she replied with a face showing fake anger.

"Yeah, right the Death Eater witch. Ooh, are you dressing up as Bellatrix Lestrange?"

"Stop!" She exclaimed as she threw whatever it was in her hands right at Aria. Turns out it was a clip that the other girl ducked from.

"And I," said Cameron emphasising on the I, "am going to dress up as a sexy nurse."

"Why did you need so much of bags then?" Ariana asked with sarcasm.

"Never mind. Let's start getting dressed. What will you be dressing up as Ariana?" Jesse asked.

"Oh I will be Annabelle," she replied as she got up from her bed and walked to her cupboard to get the desired stuff out. Feather and Ariana had gone shopping the other day to buy everything that she would need. The dwarfs had paid for that and no matter how much ever did she say no, they hadn't heard her.

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