Eye See Now

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(more of a fairytale thing)

There once was a farmer's daughter,

a beauty noone compares.

A jewel amongst mere rocks,

earning all the school boy's stares.

The girl's were studious,

the boy's were intrigued.

She flaunted her beauty for all to see,

but underneath she was fatigued.

One day, she ran into a forest,

she sat down and cried.

'What is the matter, dear child?'

A sneaky goblin  pried.

'Oh, being so pretty is not all it is cut out to be,

I just want to be me.

Is that to much to ask?

Why can't they see?'

The goblin smiled and reached into his bag,

'here. This will help. But in return you must give me your eye.'

The girl gasped and looked down in uncertainty.

But she really had no reason to deny.

She agreed with the goblin,

and he snatched her eye with no doubt.

The girl shrieked out as he stuffed it into his mouth,

'thank you girl. Please accept and do not pout.'

She glanced down with her remaining eye,

then everything became clearer.

How could it possibly be?

The goblin had only given her a mirror.

I'm Not Alone, The Darkness Is Here Too. (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now