6. Driving Lessons (and More...) [Chulu]

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Hi. Broadening the horizons again with a Chulu fic. :3 Don't worry, thought! The next should be a nice Spork one!! ;D


"Hmm, let's see...." Kirk leaned back in the captain's chair and thought. After a moment, his face brightened, and he sat up straight again. "I once slept with an Andorian guy."

Uhura winced. "I really did not need to know that."

Bones frowned at his friend from where he was, leaning on the rail in the bridge. "And half of us knew that already. You think we couldn't hear you two sucking face and moaning?"

Kirk pouted. "Aw, you guys knew that one, too?" He frowned in thought. "Um...how about, I once slept with—"

"Jim, chances are, if it has to do with your sex life, we already know it," McCoy interjected hastily, face slightly green. "Or, at least, I already know it. Trust me." (It was true. Bones knew much, much more about his friend's sexual encounters than he had ever wanted to.)

Kirk frowned. "Oh."

McCoy looked around at the others on the bridge. "Why don't you give someone else a turn? You've been trying to find something that we don't already know for the past ten minutes."

The blond nodded agreeably. "Okay." He looked around at the others, searching for someone to pick on—erm, to have go next.

Kirk looked at Spock first. Nope, he had calmly declined from taking part in Kirk's "illogical game." He looked at Uhura next and quickly looked elsewhere, trying to avoid the glare. No, definitely not her. Chekov, maybe? No, the last time the kid had gone, it had ended in a debate about whether birth control had been invented in Russia or not.

Kirk's eyes fell on a certain pilot. "Sulu. How about you?"

The raven-haired man jumped, momentarily looking away from the console and back at his captain. "M-me, sir?"

Kirk nodded decisively. "Yeah. You."

"Go, Sulu!" Chekov cheered from next to him, smiling at his friend.

"Okay...." He couldn't possibly hope to disappoint Chekov when he smiled like that, so why the heck not. Sulu frowned slightly as he thought.

The USS Enterprise was on her way back to Earth after a particularly long and exhausting diplomatic intervention, and the bridge crew was exhausted and completely ready for shore leave on what was (most of their) home planet.

It was straight sailing back to Earth, as they were in friendly space, and with only about twenty minutes before their arrival at the Starfleet dock, they were all getting antsy. There was nothing much to do, and they were all impatient to dock, so Kirk had devised a game to play.

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