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"So, let's recap on what you have told me so far. Vincent, this normal guy, decides to help you. The way he goes about that is violence."


The detective continues, "And the one time he "talks" to this George kid, he did something to him that it caused the kid to fear you both. You never bothered to ask what he did?"

"I didn't think anything of it. I was just glad that I wasn't getting my life beaten out of me."

"Right. Let's continue. What happened after you guys graduated?"

I lean back, making myself comfortable as I get my thoughts focused on the memories after the Academy years.


We had just graduated a few weeks prior. My parents had decided throwing a party was the key to showing off my success in getting through California's toughest Academy. Anybody who went there was guaranteed to be successful. The Academy was known to have a small percentage of graduates, many students dropping out early on. Now that I think about it, the reasons might not be due to the strict rules or the difficult classes. Those students were probably going through the same treatments I was experiencing.

Either way, my parents through a party with all my relatives present and Vincent and his family invited. It was a chill day. That was until George and his family came bounding up, an aura of vengeance surrounding them. As soon as I spotted them, I knew things were going to go wrong.

Vincent had taken his place at my side as usual. He was tense in that moment and I had thought it was because of George. In a way it was.

George and his family walked up and started shouting about the treatment Vincent and I had caused him. It turns out George had gone to him and told lies about us bullying him. We had threatened him and his family, tormenting every. I had no idea what he was talking about. He was the one doing the bullying to me and making my life miserable.

Vincent, the perfect guard dog he is, stood up for us both.

"How's that possible when you were the one tormenting Rhys? I can ask you're friends. They would be more than happy to tell the truth. Or maybe the nurse, who had to take care of Rhys for years."

I slowly peek around Vincent to gauge the reaction of the family. Vincent had moved in front of me at some point, hiding me from view. His parent's look of confusion was a pleasure to witness as they quickly turned on George.

"Ok, I admit, I did mess with Rhys, but it was all in good fun. I didn't mean anything by it."

It didn't take long for chaos to break out. My parents had urged me to go inside while they dealt with the Prestons. It took a few hours until things came to light about George's abuse through the years I was at the academy. My parents were furious, threatening to sue. They were grateful to Vincent after that, having no idea that he was the one fighting for me. He was the one getting violent to make a point.

A few more months passed and I was getting ready to head for college. I had decided on a place to go to New York for my education. I wanted to major in Psychology and New York was the perfect place to start over. Vincent was undecided, not sure what he wanted to do. He would look at colleges and majors, getting this far-away look in his eyes then close out the web pages. He did this multiple times before giving up completely. He did look at the college I was going to a couple of times. His cursor hovered over the application button, but he never went through with it.

When it came time to leave and start the next chapter in life, that was the last time I ever saw him. I drove away with all my things, and him standing with my parents as they became a dot in my mirrors.


"And that was the last time you ever saw him?"


"He never contacted you through email, text, phone call?"


"Then why is he here?"

"I don't know."

The detective sighs in frustration. He wasn't going to be getting anything from me. I did see Vincent last in California. We lost contact after that. To see him in New York is news to me and an even bigger surprise was knowing that he had become a wanted man. A serial killer on the run.

"That will be all for tonight." I follow the detective out, my eyes wandering across the station. My eyes linger on a certain officer as he rushes around trying to get things done. He was apologizing profusely to his coworkers as he grabbed files and handed others over. He reminded me of myself when I was a people pleaser at the academy. Now, I use my kindness for my gain. In case something like this happened.

Feeling bad for the guy, I head out. I had some phone calls to make.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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