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The room is cold, the only light coming from the one bar from up above. It felt like I was in some old-fashioned cop movie. The only difference was that there was no two-way mirror. This room felt isolated and maybe that was the plan.

The door swings open, an older gentleman enters with a folder in hand. Sitting down closest to the door, he sits back as he regards me. His eyes scan my face carefully before opening the contents of the folder, removing on paper, and sliding it over.

"Do you know where Vincent is?"  Glancing at the picture reveals his car caught on a camera heading out of town. I don't answer as I stare past the detective.

"He was spotted leaving after a body was found a few miles from here."

"I know nothing about him or what he's planning."

The detective leans forwards. "That's not what I heard. Others have told me you two were inseparable. That everything he did, you were there with him. So, want to try that again?"

"I don't know what he's up to. Sure, I did things with him, but this was never one of them. He never told me about his...side activities."

"Then tell me, what did you do when you were with him?"

"I'm not sure you'll enjoy what I have to say." Leaning back comfortably, I decided to pick it up from the beginning.


I went to Cavern Hills All Boy's Academy. The place every parent wants their son to go to. A place that guarantees their son will leave and become successful sometime in their life. However, it would seem that I would be struggling through my educational years. I wouldn't consider myself social, but I was willing to try. Trying never seemed enough for the others. It was all about who had the most money, or whose parents had the most influence. Something I lacked from the beginning. I was one of the few students who were chosen for the academy based on my intelligence. The others adapted well, leaving me in the dust, struggling to make it to them. The only one who ever saw me was Vincent.

Vincent was one of those kids who were neither popular nor an outcast. Everybody knew him. Unlike me. I was on the outskirts of their hierarchy of sorts. I didn't fit in, not meeting their standards of being rich or famous. Vincent had parents who were well-known dentists. Nothing to brag about, really, but his parents would occasionally work with celebrities and that seemed enough for the boys.

It's been like this for years, so to see Vincent approach me after my last beating, was a surprise. I was expecting him to join in, to make himself more well-known, but it never came. Instead, he had helped me up, taken me to the nurse, and sat with me until I was done. His expression was emotionless. Nothing gave away what he was thinking. Maybe that should have been the first sign that he wasn't normal.

The bullying went away altogether after the final incident.

"Hey, McBride!" My attempts to run were hindered by the hand gripping my upper arm. He squeezed tightly, making my already bruised appendage shoot in pain. "Where do you think you're going?" I was turned around and pushed up against the lockers.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted.

George, the boy who was the first to bully me, laughed in my face. His face contorted in an ugly manner as his vileness showed. How can someone be so evil?

"I don't think I will. How about I-," A fist punches my stomach, all air leaving my lungs. "teach you a lesson." George and his friends laugh as they watch me crumble to the ground in agony. What did I ever do to deserve this?

 I'm too busy looking at the ground to notice Vincent grabbing George by his neck. The silence catches my attention, my eyes scanning for the disturbance. Vincent holds George a few feet off the ground, his hand tightening the more George struggles to get free. His friends stumble back in shock, unsure of what to do. Those who were still in the hall gathered to watch the spectacle before them.

With a deep rumble, Vincent threw George into a nearby locker. "What did I tell you about touching him?"

"I thought you were joking!" A swift kick to the stomach has George crumpled to the ground.

"Joking? The only joke being made is you." With a final kick to the face, George is out. Vincent turns his ire to the others. "If I so much as see a bruise on him, or even if I see you talking to him, I'll make sure you regret ever being alive."

Teachers start pouring out of the classrooms to check the commotion. When their eyes land on the prone form of George, they instantly start shouting for answers. No dared to snitch on Vincent that day. They all feared facing his wrath. George was the best wrestler in the school, and to see him taken by Vincent, who partakes in no activities, well, that puts things into perspective.

Safe to say, my life became easier at the academy. Vincent acted like my personal guard dog, glaring at anybody who tried getting close. He never left my side. George tried. His attempts to get me alone all failed. It was like Vincent knew when things were about to go down. Either way, whatever he did, George ran away in fear anytime he saw us.


"So, you're telling me, Vincent did nothing during that time at the academy?" The Detective asked.

"As far as I know, he did nothing."

The detective rubs his chin in thought. The folder was left forgotten on the table, and a notepad with notes sitting on top of it. I wait patiently for what he plans on doing next. Whether he lets me go or not matters not as they have no conclusive evidence that I had anything to do with the murders.

"Let's take a break. Do you need the bathroom? Want water or food?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Ok, I'll be back in five and we can continue from there." The detective nods and heads out with his things. I sit back in silence, my thoughts running rampant on memories only I know.

*This story is completed but is being rewritten. All characters and plot lines will be removed and changed to fit the new plot. The premise will still be the same, but it will be like a whole new book. If any issues are found, please let me know. Thank you, and enjoy!

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