Chapter 2: The Incident

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Author's Note: Heyy guys! So i'm really sorry i haven't updated in a while. The only reason is because i haven't had time to write and also because i was trying to figure out the whole plot for this. Watching the new episodes was changing my mind because what i had planned out didn't match the story. Then again i figured i should just go with what i had before. So the plot line in this story is NOTHING like the show at all. But i hope you still enjoy it. So finally, here is it!



I stood there, practically frozen in terror. What did they mean by the wolf that turned me into this thing goes to my school? Have i bee talking to him this whole time? Has he been in the same room as me and i didn't even notice? I don't know what to think, i had so many questions to ask but for some strange reason my brain or my body wouldn't let me say anything. Finally my sister spoke up. "Bri, just listen to me. I mean, listen to him. He knows who this kid is and why he hurt you. So just listen." she said, how could I listen when I can't even speak?

All I did was nod my head and he continued to speak. "Brielle i need you to focus. I need you to tell me everything that happened that night." the man said, why wouldn't he just tell me who it was?

"No," i said, finally getting the courage to speak. "no, i won't. not until you tell me who this kid is." i demanded, i needed to know. I needed to find out so i can protect myself and my sister from whatever evil lurks in this town.

"Bri, just tell him, just trust him please." my sister pleaded, and that was when i lost it.

"Trust him? You want me to trust him while you're sitting there with a gun in your hand and tears streaming down your face? You've got to be kidding me, this isn't a very trustworthy situation now is it?" i shouted across the table at her, trying to get a point through her head. I turned and faced this man, I'm pretty sure his name is Derek but i couldn't focus on anything like that right now. "Now tell me who it is, or i swear to god i will walk out that door without another word and you will never see me again so that way you won't get your little story. Who is it?" i threaten, it might not have been a very good threat but i'll admit for a minute i felt pretty badass.

That feeling of being badass soon washed away as i thought of all the horrible things that could happen. What if the kid that bite me was someone i sat beside in class? Then i would have to deal with that for the rest of the year. Or what if it was one of my neighbours? Then i would have to walk out the front door everyday and see them across the street. Or what if it was one of my possible friends that go to my school? What if its Stiles? Even just thinking about it put a knot in my stomach, i feel like the world was spinning around me. Just the fact that i could actually have a friend and that he might be a werewolf, would tear me apart inside. Even though i've only known him for a day, it was different. He was different. It was then i was pulled away from my thoughts and back into the real world. Derek finally spoke up.

"His name is Scott McCall, he was the one that bit you." he said with no hesitation once so ever.

I felt my heart stop for a second. But i couldn't tell if it was from fear or relief. Fear of the fact that someone i could be friends with turned me into a monster, or relief that it wasn't Stiles. But at the same time i didn't know what to think, so instead i just talked.

"You wanna know the story, well here it is." and then i was trailing down memory lane from there on.

1 Month Earlier

I was lying on my bed, on top of the covers of course cause it was currently 500 degrees outside. Okay, i was kind of being dramatic but it was hot, really hot. I had just got out of the bathroom, finishing washing my face and all that girly stuff and of course i just finished arguing with my sister. It was almost like this everything night. We'd eat dinner, i'd do homework, my sister would bitch about how she can't find a job, and my parents would try to calm her down and then she'd have a meltdown. Thats the part where i go do my nightly routine in the washroom. I try to avoid all of that as much as i can. But tonight was different.

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