Chapter 2

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The wooded trail, or as I like to call it the Oak Trail, is a sparse forest with large openings and cross country jumps in the open areas. Christina and I talk for ten minutes until we come to an opening with a cross country jump. The jump is a wooden and x-shaped, it has decorative bushes on the sides and two flower boxes on the front and the back. Christina and I look at each other and smile. Time to jump!

I am jumping first. I turn around and walk down the trail quite far from the jump so Copper can get into a smooth safe canter. "Ok boy, you can do this." I whisper as we turn towards the jump. By now Copper knows what we are doing and snorts as he waits for my command to walk then canter. And we're off! After waking about two yards Copper goes into a smooth, fast, and safe speed of a canter. Christina waves as we pass her but she is just a blur to me as we pass. I near the jump and start to count Copper's footsteps until we reach the jump, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Jump. Copper soars over the jump and lands safely on the other side. I breath a sigh of relief and pat Copper's neck. Christina leaps over the jump and giggles a little as she lands.

"That was fun!" Christina beams as she hugs Scarlet's jet black neck.

We ride for another thirty minutes until we come up to a small creek where the horses wade in with us on their backs. It is at this time that I decide to tell Christina about my application to Breezeway Academy. "Um Christina? You know how I have always wanted to go to Breezeway Academy?" I ask nervously. She nods and I continue. "W-well I-I applied to-to the academy. And." She looks at me, I can't describe the look in her eyes. Envy? Excitement? Jealousy? I continue " And I should get the letter back today, to see if I can try out." I finish then look at her. She still has that look in her eyes. All of a sudden she explodes into a bunch of happy squeals. I'm taken aback actually I didn't expect that, then again she is Christina and she can over-exaggerate sometimes.

"OMG!!!!! I'm so happy for you Allie!" She squeals. I smile and try hug her even though we are on horses.

When we get back to the barn I hook Copper into a wash rack crosstie and Christina puts Scarlet next to me to wait for the washrack. She keeps on making funny little comments about my application as we untack the horses. I put my tack away and close my tack box then return to Copper. I turn the hose on and start to wash Copper, staring at the legs and working my way up his muscular chestnut body. When I reach his back I look over it at Christina, her back is to me and I smile. I look around then bring the hose above Copper's back and aim at Christina. I spray her right in the back and she swings around. I start laughing and she frowns then starts to laugh too.

When Copper and Scarlet were done we go to put them away. I unhook his halter in his stall and pat his neck. I grab the apples for him and feed them to him. When he is finished mom was back at the barn. I say good-bye to Christina and climb into the car.

When we get to the house I run out of the car and to the mailbox. I open it and look through the mail. All are addressed to mom or dad until I find the one. I squeal and rip it open. I read the letter and start to smile.

Dear Allie Goldman,

We enjoyed your application and would like you to come for a try-out on March 16.

The letter was longer but I skimmed through it until I found the part I wanted. I smile and do a little happy dance in a circle. Then I run inside and tell mom. A. Dream. Just. Came. True.

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