Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my mom making breakfast downstairs in our kitchen. I clambered out of my bed and got dressed, then I went downstairs. "Morning mom. What's for breakfast?" I asked as went I into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Eggs, bacon, and toast. Want some milk?" Mom asked as she pulled the pan with the bacon off the stove. I nodded and got up to get the milk and a cup. I poured some milk for me and mom and put the milk away.

"Where's dad?" I ask as I place the two cups on the table.

"He had to leave early for work, your dad won't be back till tomorrow." My mom said. I frowned looking at my plate with only some eggs and a piece of bacon left. I started to poke my eggs as I ate my bacon. Then it hit me.

"Mom. D-did the letter come?" I ask anxiously. We sent my form in about a week ago and it was supposed to come sometime soon.

"What? Oh! Right your letter to the academy! Well let see. It's Saturday today and the mail hasn't come yet so I think it might just come today. So while your waiting do you want to go see Copper? I have to go do some errands so I can drop you off." Mom asked as she took both of our empty plates to the sink.

"Sure! Him and I could use a good trail ride anyway. Maybe Christina and Scarlet could come. When are we going?" I ask.

"In about fifteen minutes, so do you want to change into a pair of breeches and maybe some boots?" Mom asked somewhat smirking as she looks at my bright green sweat pants and my Vans. I roll my eyes and go upstairs to my bedroom.

Once I'm dressed I run downstairs and grab two apples for Copper and one for me, then I run outside and get into mom's black Mercedes. Copper is my 15 hands tall chestnut American Standardbred that I have had for about one year now.

When we arrive at the stable I say goodbye to mom and walk inside. Copper sticks his head out the door and nickers when he sees me. "Hi boy." I say as I pat his muzzle. The nameplate next to his stall door is a shiny silver color with his name engrave on it. I grab his halter and slip it around his head. I take the lead rope and lead him out of his stall and into a crosstie. I pat his shoulder then go into the tack room and I unlock my tackbox. I pull out some brushes and walk back to Copper. He is pawing at the rubber mat when I return. "What can't wait two minutes?" I ask as I start grooming him.

Fifteen minutes later Copper's coat is as shiny as a new penny. I smile and go to put my brushes away. While I'm in the tack room I grab all the tack I need for todays trail ride. When I return Copper seems to know what we are doing and perks his ears. I grab one of my wraps for is forelegs and start to wrap is left leg.

"Nice neon green wraps Allie!" Christina laughs as she hooks Scarlet up to the crosstie next to mine.

"What? You have neon pink wraps!" I laugh as I move onto Copper's right leg.

"Ok.Ok. Fair enough! So what are you up to today?" Christina asks as she leans on the bar between us.

"How about a trail ride?" I ask as I stand up and brush myself off. Christina nods and walks into the tack room to get her stuff.

Half an hour later Copper and Scarlet are both tacked up. We mount our horses and head off into the wooded trail.

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